MReQ- PTRD/PTRS rep for bazooka

06-12-2003, 04:21 PM

actually might not be a bad idea.

06-12-2003, 04:57 PM
AT rifles would be interesting, but how could someone possibly hold a six foot gun out in front of them while standing up? It would just took very odd to me. Granted, while they are carrying it the anims could be holding holding it over the shoulder, but you still have to point it out when you aim and fire it, then there's the whole smoke trail thing.

Still, I think it might be a cool thing to see. I'd certainly try it out if someone made it.

06-12-2003, 05:47 PM
Well i bought the plans for a Boys Anti-Tank Rifle, i think it's 55 inches long, i might get around to building it, we will see. Although they where replaced with PIAT around the begining of the second war, because the armor on the tanks had become much thicker, and the rifles where made redundant because of this. Still i guess it would be cool to see one made for dod.

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