Very Slightly Tweaked British Model

Joe Anderson
06-11-2003, 11:31 PM
Hey guys, I got sick and tired of looking at the British model that has a reverse wedgie. The dev team streched the skin around so that it looked like the pants were sagging down around the butt and scrunched up higher than Urkel's pants in the front. If you dont get what I've said, I've attached a few pictures. I merely tweaked the vertices and skin for the stock british body .smd to make it more realistic. Yes I know I'm being very anal about this, and yes I know its not that big a deal but it was bugging me and I had to do something about it :) No it wasnt hard, and no it didnt take any ammount of time but I did it and thought I should share it :)

06-11-2003, 11:45 PM
Took me sec to fingure out the diff, but gj. i geuss ill use since i use the default brit anywase

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.