[PREL] Axis Iron Sight Pack
I Re-Origined the default axis models so that they are Iron-Sighted.
download (http://dodec.dodstudios.net/filedb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=597) from the DoD Editing Center (http://dodec.dodstudios.net).
P.S, there are some small clipping issues, I tried for hours to fix them, but they are only minor and shouldn't be noticed.
06-11-2003, 11:19 PM
Very nice...
06-11-2003, 11:25 PM
Iron site Bots' and Devin's MG's plz.
06-11-2003, 11:31 PM
I'm not a fan of IS weapons, but none the less Good job, i think Dances with the wolves is though, and if i'm right he will love these, well done.
06-11-2003, 11:43 PM
That is awsome! I would use but I quit IS awhile ago..
Hello there,
Problem :( you loose the crossair for the paratrooper models - when can you release the para versions of the axis weapons?
'Yes You May Remember Me'.. ;)
Dances w Wolves
06-12-2003, 05:49 AM
i love IS and will use when u release... BUT cud u use some of the GOO models for iron sights pelase?
Dances w Wolves
06-12-2003, 07:39 AM
any chance of a brit and american one? brit more than the yank ;)
He hasnt finished the axis set yet LOL ;)
06-12-2003, 10:20 AM
Which animations did you use for that k43?
cuz' if you used the standard you will see the open hole on the right side of the model in the reload animation...
I have to say i'd never used Iron-sights before and i don't think that i ever will because i think they cover too much of the screen...
Allied set should be out soon. Greasegun and carbine are a pain in the butt to get working right. FG-42 i couldnt do because every time you deploy it moves to the left so i could only get it iron sighted when un deployed.
Update: Here (http://dodec.dodstudios.net/30cal/allyisprev.jpg) is a pic of how the allied set is comming along.
Dances w Wolves
06-12-2003, 11:05 AM
its a great job man, but would u make them real iron sight? its just the whole on a tilt thing (in my humble opinion) really sucks and ISNT iron sight.
or at least just REAL iron sight for the BREN/STEN and ENFIELD ;) the brit weapons are the only ones i use :D
Russ. Conscript
06-12-2003, 11:09 AM
you know ive been meaning to iron sight weapons like that... awesome job man. i love they way they are centered and lowered. thats like the DOOM style of positioning, wich is the best way to iron sight a weapon IMO.
Originally posted by Dances w Wolves
its a great job man, but would u make them real iron sight? its just the whole on a tilt thing (in my humble opinion) really sucks and ISNT iron sight.
or at least just REAL iron sight for the BREN/STEN and ENFIELD ;) the brit weapons are the only ones i use :D
Im trying to make them real iron sight. The only one I could get right was the tommy (http://dodec.dodstudios.net/30cal/tommyis.jpg). They just clip too much.
06-12-2003, 12:03 PM
Ohhh baby take me.... take me now...
:D can't wait for the allies IS set
06-12-2003, 12:10 PM
Could you post the origin #'s you used?
Plastic Fantastic Lover
06-12-2003, 01:10 PM
Awesome. I'll just slap my custom skins on, and voila...
-edit-There's a gaping hole in the side of the MP40.
tilt the model in milkshape.
then it works!!
dont forget to adjust '$scale' to fix clipping errors!! (espec on rifles)
Plastic Fantastic Lover
06-12-2003, 01:37 PM
I stopped using these. WAY too many clipping problems (almost every gun).
06-12-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by JoAlien
tilt the model in milkshape.
then it works!!
dont forget to adjust '$scale' to fix clipping errors!! (espec on rifles)
sounds like a good idea, you should try it.
Thank you very much for the tips guys, I've fixed almost all of the clipping errors. Should be a new axis pack soon.
06-13-2003, 03:06 AM
See if you can get these origins...I'm sure everyone will LOVE these...
06-13-2003, 05:36 PM
bump....c'mon...these origins kick ass
06-13-2003, 05:59 PM
Maybe you could figure them out?
Sure, i'll give it a shot. What guns do you want those origins for?
06-13-2003, 06:29 PM
uh..all of them?
i just wanna see what some of the guns would look like with that, then release the numbers.
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