[SprREL] Anti-aliased Player Icons
06-11-2003, 08:00 PM
This is a small modification of the default friendly team icons (or whatever they're called). I found that Additive transparency works with these sprites, so I made the edges anti-aliased, and, as a result, they're smoother and they look more like circles. I also made them a tad smaller, and turned the British one round. Look at the picture for a comparison.
One problem though, with Additive transparency anything that's a shade of black turns into different levels of transparency, so as a result the Axis sprite looks a little weird. But whatever, I personally don't mind much.
Picture: http://www.geocities.com/ikujinonai/playericons.txt
Looks nice, I'll be using the US and Brit ones. I like my swastika above my German guys though.
Lt. Firmalo
06-11-2003, 08:07 PM
Nice :) but do people really use identicons? Personally I got rid of em for realism. GJ none the less :)
heh i still use em. i dont kno why though since its obvious who is and isn't on my team :rolleyes: I guess its just so i dont waste ammo on a dark figure im not too sure about.
06-11-2003, 08:53 PM
Well i use them, but not because i like them, it's just i play on mainly servers with frendly fire, and because others can use them i don't wont to have any disadvantage then any other player. But if i had my way i would drop them from dod, along with that tacky minimap & death cam, bring back 3.1 style IMO it was the best.
BTW Ikujinonai i can't tell you what i think to your icons because the picture link is dead.
06-11-2003, 09:35 PM
Picture working for me now, they look alot better around the edges then the default ones GJ, but for me they are still too big, i use 32x32 pixel ones, how about making another set this size aswell.
06-11-2003, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by MaRzY
Picture working for me now, they look alot better around the edges then the default ones GJ, but for me they are still too big, i use 32x32 pixel ones, how about making another set this size aswell.
Ok. Tell me how they look.
06-11-2003, 11:13 PM
Hey, hey, pretty neat. I only use them becuase I'm afraid I'll have a disadvantage. Same reason I still have that darn mini-map.
06-12-2003, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Ikujinonai
Ok. Tell me how they look.
They look very neat & tidy ill use them, thank you, i did find the readme a little long though........:)
06-12-2003, 03:30 AM
Why is the picture saved as a .txt file?
06-12-2003, 12:32 PM
What B.A.R gun model is that and what minimap icons are those?
06-12-2003, 03:35 PM
I think there my mini map icons
Not sure about the bar, you will probably find it using the same link though, as they host most of whats released on these forums.
06-12-2003, 03:50 PM
Yeah, they're MaRzY's minimap icons. The BAR is Ls3's, skin by Poly and bipod hackjobbed by me. I remember the controversy it caused on the old forums (it was leaked and never intended for public use, right?), but if it's okay, I'll release it once I make p and w models for it.
And it's a .txt file because then you don't have to copy and paste in the address bar.
I MEAN MEAN MEAN.... release it already! :)
Originally posted by Ikujinonai
Yeah, they're MaRzY's minimap icons. The BAR is Ls3's, skin by Poly and bipod hackjobbed by me. I remember the controversy it caused on the old forums (it was leaked and never intended for public use, right?), but if it's okay, I'll release it once I make p and w models for it.
And it's a .txt file because then you don't have to copy and paste in the address bar.
plz pm when u finish the bar... me wants it heh!
yeah please release that bar model dude, thats sweet
I love them!
Sorry to be off topic but can you post that X-hair?
06-15-2003, 04:38 PM
First off, thanks. I'm currently asking permission to release the model in the pic, and if it happens, it happens.
+oo|, here you go.
uh which sprite do we use?
06-16-2003, 02:27 AM
Very yumy. I'd use em if it hadn't been for the fact that i don't use overhead icons.
so have u gotten permissino to release l33t bar yet?!?
09-26-2003, 07:27 PM
Bump, these are wicked!
Originally posted by I KNOW GUN-FU
so have u gotten permissino to release l33t bar yet?!?
i'm guessing Ls3 said no...
(call it a hunch)
Originally posted by I KNOW GUN-FU
so have u gotten permissino to release l33t bar yet?!?
i'm guessing Ls3 said no...
(call it a hunch)
09-27-2003, 05:26 AM
Wow..you guys really need to stop bumping old threads. If it's this old and you want to know how it's doing, than make it more organized and make a new thread linking to it.
09-27-2003, 07:08 AM
Very nice release... gg
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