Crosshair Request
Is this where this goes? I don't see a sprites forum.
Anyways, whoever makes me a lime green crosshair like in CS (four bars, space in the center) with pretty thick green dot (stationary) in the middle can have my children.
Thanks ^_^
Pvt. Paradox
04-29-2003, 04:13 PM
Here u go
lemme kno if u doint like it and i can fix the problem
how about a 3x3 cross instead of that dot? other than that, GREAT, i love it!
Pvt. Paradox
04-29-2003, 05:53 PM
U clearly stated u wanted one with a dot in the middle. n e way, wut u mean, 3X3?
yeh i was basing it off anohter crosshair i had, but i realized that it was actually a small cross.
i mean like a 3pixel line going across, and a 3 pixel line going down. for the small cross in the middle that is.
Pvt. Paradox
04-30-2003, 08:22 PM
ok man i get it. Heres the edited version that u want. Lemme kno if u still dont like it.;)
got a pick for that xhair?
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