fairly complicated not so noob question
ok, so any ways im new to the forums, but i read all the time. so to the question.
so what im trying to do is have a radio to call in arty support which in turn blows up a wall. so basiclly like the radio that calls in plane to blow up that secound building in Zalec. so in conclusion : radio==>8 second wait==>arty sound==>wall blows up.
a detailed expalation would be much appreciated :D
thanx for your time
Ok, I've never done this before..but i got a good idea of how to do it. And if its wrong, someone else will correct me.
First, have all the sounds and explosions you want ready, and give them names.
Make an object(your radio i guess) a func_button,(i dont know how to do the timer thing, so someone else will have to explain)
Have it target a multimanager, turn off smart edit, and in the key values jobber, add the names of your sounds and your explosion, and walls(???) in stuff in the multi-manager. The only problem with that, is that it will set off your sound, explosion, and walls all at the same time. Hope this sets something off and gives you an idea...best i could do
thanks for the reply, but could you explane targeting (how to do it) and ive been messing with multi_manager for a while and i cant figure it out, so a tutorial for that would be nice
lets see:
radio = func_button
target = a trigger_relay
in the flags: check "don't move"
target: a multi_manager
killtarget: the func_button(to disable multiple strikes)
trigger_state: on
set "trigger to send" to on
press the "smart edit" button to turn it off
enter the events to be triggered (insert the name of the entities followed by the delay in seconds):
ambient_generic(arty sound) value: 0
func_breakable(wall) value: 8+how long the sound is
set your material types, etc..
in flags: check "trigger only"
That should work. I'm assuming the other properties are self explanatory, and the rest default settings work fine.
If you need any more help with entities, this should help:
Valve Erc (http://www.valve-erc.com/entities/?game=0001)
Theres a link to a thread i made a while ago for blowing up a tank as an objective.
I really wouldnt suggest using kill target, it dosnt reset the entiy when the rounds restart, it just complety forgets it even exsisted.
yeah thats true, but what would you use as an alternative?
how did they do it in zalec then?
I'd make the button trigger its own master disalowing it to fire anymore.
name "radio"
target "multimanager"
master of "multi1'
name "multi1"
target "radio"
trigger to send "off"
06-07-2003, 03:01 PM
Maybe you can ask Bleibringer, the mapper of dod_feldfeuer from 3.1. He used that setup twice in that map near the bridge in the centre of the map.
On one side he had 2 Tiger tanks fire, on the other side an Airstrike was called in.
HP: www.bleibringer.de.vu
06-07-2003, 10:33 PM
I think you guys are thinking about this too hard. A func_button has a variable for the delay before you can use it again, right? So just set that to like 99999 and you won't be able to press it again till the next round unless the round lasts for a few months.
Originally posted by RPGreg2600
I think you guys are thinking about this too hard. A func_button has a variable for the delay before you can use it again, right? So just set that to like 99999 and you won't be able to press it again till the next round unless the round lasts for a few months.
and RPGreg2600 comes in with the entity saving though, TY I keep on forgetting to do things the underhanded way :P
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