Motar Entities
06-05-2003, 02:49 PM
Can anyone tell me what entities that i'll need and how many of each to make a fully working motar thing.
Make a brush then tie it to a func_mortarfield this will be where the mortars will actually drop you can set the spread radius and damage to your liking
To trigger the mortars you can use any trigger you like
If you are going to use a trigger_multiple then you should have the trigger_multiple target a trigger_relay then have the trigger_relay target the func_mortarfield
If you have a trigger that directly triggers a func_mortarfield then the player that triggers the mortarfield will be registered as killing anyone that is killed by the mortar that was triggered
i suck with entities, and your explination was confusing (except for motor field). How would you get it so that when you activated a mortr, it would trigger the mortar field?
Ok this is an example
Make a brush what ever size you want and cover all faces of it with a trigger texture
Assign this brush to a func_mortarfield and name it "mort1"
Now make another brush and cover it with a trigger texture
Assign this brush to a trigger_multiple and make its target "mort1relay"
Now add a trigger_relay point entity and make its name "mort1relay" and make its target "mort1"
Thats it now when you walk through the trigger_multiple the trigger_relay will target the func_mortarfield and will act as if the players killed by the mortar were killed by worldspawn
If you want to have a mortar launcher that is usable then replace the trigger_relay and trigger_multiple with a func_button and have it directly target the func_mortarfield
06-07-2003, 08:38 PM
How would I make it so that it makes noise and has a model and has a flash of light like the ones on Forest?
Oooo. You guys have given me a cunning mortar related idea. Cheers!
Don't you just love this stuff????:)
08-20-2003, 11:09 PM
well i made my own motar and it's looking great but how do i get the smokepuff for the motar ?:| ?
08-20-2003, 11:41 PM
erm. lol :)
08-21-2003, 12:03 AM
yer umm waldo just made a really good tutorial about this, which i beleive is the link posted above. bookmark that site its the most usefull thing u will ever get your hands on!
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