Noob question about spray art thingy
Ok, the noob that I am needs help. How do you get a custom spray paint thingy icon? You know, default key "t " and this little arty thing comes out. Well, I saw some guys with their own and have been making a few, but I don't know how to get them into dod. Also, how do I get those ones that most of you have at the bottom of your letters? Programs to use, websites, etc...?
Humbly yours, the noob of Steel.
Well, you could start by searching for the program Wally......and thats pretty much all I know. Sorry I couldn't help much.
Lorda Mercy
06-04-2003, 08:08 PM
His answer was simply Fabolous!
06-04-2003, 09:53 PM
Check this thread:
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