
06-04-2003, 05:54 PM
I searched and couldn't find anything addressing this idea, and here it is. Is it possible to somehow have it that when the branches of a tree are shot that leaves will fall out, similar to when you shoot grass and little pieces pop up. Is it even possible to do something like this? I know it wouldn't add anything to gameplay but it would just make it seem more believable to me.

06-04-2003, 05:55 PM
Its already in the game. You don't see it much but it's there. Look harder and you might see the odd leaf. If you don't believe me check your sprites folder i think there are some there.

06-04-2003, 08:34 PM
well then is it possile to increase the number that the leaves appear, because they might as well be non-existant.

06-04-2003, 09:11 PM
i havent seen it in dod yet ill check my sprites folder after this post.

but in that vietnam mod with the zombies when you shoot a bush or a tree leaves go flying so it is possible.

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