Sniper scope animations
Hi I was wondering if it is possible to create an animation whereby when u zoom in with a sniper rifle u can see the movement of the scope being positioned, on MOHAA and some other games you can see this i was wondering if it's possible with dod?
06-04-2003, 01:34 PM
geez, that was a little harsh Vecdran :eek: Instead of giving him a one word answer maybe you should tell him why it wont work; I would explain slugz but I do not know much about animations-sorry.
ps-I also did think of this once slugz, Its a good idea but it might not be possible.
you can't simply because when you right click for zooming the process is instant and you don't watch the gun move but rather the scope sprite fades in. Plus there is no animation in the guns for when you zoom so it'd have to be hard coded and there is no way to add the animation yourself. Unfortunatly you can't animate the scope sprite either since it's 4 sections that are sortof an animation by themselves so you can't add anything to it. Sorry bud :(
It could be coded into the game though.
Sorry for the rude response, I was in a rush and didn't have time to explain.
Rude? It was truthful, and to the point.
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