StRuPs' Hi-Res Default Axis Player

01-29-2008, 07:55 AM
* StRuPs' High Resolution Default Axis Player *

This skin replaces the default axis player for a high res and accurate one (most parts were based on real life gear, even though I made several adaptations to make a better looking skin). There are NO FPS drops if this skin is used (any of the versions), and it's available in a 2048x2048 resolution (effectively high res, looks better in game) and in a 1024x1024 resolution (default res, looks good in game, and can be used on pure servers).



¬ Player Textures
- Realistic player textures available in High Res 2048x2048, and in Default Res 1024x1024.
- Bumpmaps for each kind of material.
- Exponent maps for each kind of material.
¬ Equipment Textures
- Realistic and historically accurate (most of them) equipment textures available in High Res 2048x2048, and in Default Res 1024x1024.
- Bumpmaps for each kind of material.
- Exponent maps for each kind of material.
¬ Sleeve Textures
- Available in only on 1024x1024.
- Bumpmaps for each kind of material.
- Exponent maps for each kind of material.
¬ Realistic Face
- Several face pictures were merged and adapted to fit the model, in order to give the skin a realistic expression.
- Bumpmaps and exponent maps were added to make it more realistic.
¬ Two skin versions are available: a high res one and a default res one, and you will experience no performance hit by using any of them.

Extract the .rar content in your Day Of Defeat Source folder and make sure the folders are placed correctly.

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YOURACCOUNT\day of defeat source

¬ Everything: StRuPs
¬ Special thanks to RuberGruber

That's all folks, have fun! :D

- StRuPs

Cpt Otto
01-29-2008, 03:27 PM
It's too shiny for my taste.

But other than that, not bad!

Wile E Coyote
01-29-2008, 04:51 PM
Before anyone says anything.....

No none of this is my work. Yes, it looks very, VERY similar in spots, but it is 100% his.

01-29-2008, 05:23 PM
It's too shiny for my taste.

But other than that, not bad!

Thanks. By the way, I agree the boots are a way too shine. =P

Before anyone says anything.....

No none of this is my work. Yes, it looks very, VERY similar in spots, but it is 100% his.

When I finished it I remembered about your work Wile lol (I'm one of your fans =).
I did everything based on actual photos, including the equipment, and it really ended up very similar to your Gefreiter Joseph, even though I did not base my skin on yours...

It seems I failed to make something different heh. =/


01-29-2008, 07:39 PM
My only gripe after testing them in-game is the red on them. What is that supposed to be exactly?

01-29-2008, 08:35 PM
My only gripe after testing them in-game is the red on them. What is that supposed to be exactly?
My guess is blood.:p

Overall, pretty good.:)

Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.