Bren Skin?
Exit 31
06-03-2003, 12:41 PM
Anyone knows a cool high poly skin for the Bren? Searched a whole afternoom, finding only a darkened Bren. The Bren is not a popular weapon? I sure do like it, but it needs to be reskined.
Any ideas?
The Cheat
06-03-2003, 12:52 PM
i already made this thread. Marzy made one supposedly but it is no where to be found.
Dances w Wolves
06-03-2003, 01:00 PM
do u guys read threads anywhere?
I released the first Bren re-skin a few days ago. find it in the downloads/skins seciton
06-03-2003, 01:54 PM
He is mentioning your skin dances, but he needs a high-poly model of the bren gun
06-03-2003, 02:05 PM
Well, apparently, the tranparency doesn't work on the model...
The Cheat
06-03-2003, 02:07 PM
That's nice and all but i already did that to my bren skin in photoshop. I'm talking about a high res reskin or maybe even a higher poly model and reskin.
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