A question about placing models

Sly Assassin
06-03-2003, 08:20 AM
Evening all,

I'm quite new to mapping and I'm starting to add some models to my map, now i'm using the clipped models from model_zoo.

Now my question is, once i've copied the model from the model_zoo map across to my map, does the whole of the pink box have to be inside the area I want it to be or not? because when I look at the actual model its all inside the area i want it to be, but the big pink box isn't, does that matter?

thanks for any help and I hope its clear what I'm trying to do.


06-03-2003, 08:44 AM
No, the only thing that has to be visible is the little X in the model that marks the origin of the model. Once its visible, the model will be rendered, so you can actually make model halfway into the wall if you want to..

Common mistake to place the model so the X is just bellow the ground and then the model will not be rendered ingame even though it looks like it should there in hammer....

Sly Assassin
06-03-2003, 08:47 AM
Cheers for that mate, just what I wanted to know :D as usual good quick and right to the point _b


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