[PREL] DOD_cutomizer 1.0 Needs you
Hello DOD fans,
Just a few words about DOD_customizer 1.0
I have created this super small program to facilitate the install/ Uninstall of DOD custom files. But somehow it turned out to be much more than that.
Let me tell you what it does and how you, yes you can help it.
The dod_customizer knows the location of ALL DOD files so it can easily install new versions of files (like: wav, mdl, spr ...) and automatically backup the original ones !
This allows you to test new models/sounds 'n' stuff you downloaded and if you don't like it you can uninstall it automatically.
So far fairly simple stuff. But the best is to come.
If you'r like me a real sucker for new models/sprites and sound (and I guess you are otherwise you would not be in this forum) you change/update your DOD files every weeks or less !
The good thing about dod_cutomizer is that it allows you to create different DOD configurations. For instance:
You can have a configuration that set-up your DOD install to run with camo models (like Vendori's brilliant axis models) and some camo allied models of your choise. This would be ideal if you want to play the forest map.
You can also have a configuration that runs spring/fall/winter models. I'm thinking about the snow maps now. Obviously the config would have the v_models too so you get gloves and stuff.
Now once you have created your config files all you need to do is to create a shortcut on your windows desktop and hey presto, new DOD setup at the click of a button !
Anyway, I think you have got the idea of it. So, where do you come in action ?
Well this is my first version of the program. it's DOS based (so it's real small to download) and requires a bit of typing from the user end to work (create the config file !).
What I need from you is some feed back on the program (or any install problems), and also features you think would make this program better. I already have a few ideas but nothing beats getting feedback from and enthousiastic community.
Thanks in advance.
The program it hosted by our friendly and always helpful Editor321 (thanks mate) and can be downloaded at:
(0.5 Meg download !)
Don't forget to look at the tutorial otherwise you'll be waisting your time...
Lt. Firmalo
06-03-2003, 04:07 AM
Great job! You're my herooooo
wow sounds like a very usefull proggy :D
I'll check it out for sure
06-03-2003, 04:40 AM
Nice job... It almost sounded like a late night Infomercial... I kept expecting you to say "... and for ONLY 3 easy payments of $69.99 ... Act now and receive a second unit ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!"
And for another 10.99$ get a gold plated sweedish made penil enlarger.
06-03-2003, 08:05 AM
hmm nice idea :)
dod_kalt => snowskins
dod_donner => trenchcoat
i hope that **** works :)
i´ll give it a try :)
Make sure you go through the tutorial (same location). Otherwise it might be no so easy to understand cos it's a DOS command (like studiomdl.exe and others...)
06-03-2003, 01:06 PM
Good stuff here, I can see it greatly helping model releases, since making it easier to install custom models just increases the number of people that will try it. A front end would help for those people who can't be bothered to do thinks manually.
I'll test it when there is time. nice idea and thx for the work making things easier.
Plastic Fantastic Lover
06-03-2003, 02:56 PM
I requested this a few weeks ago and forgot, THANK YOU!!!!!
Too bad I can't use it tonight...or tomorrow night....or Thursday night...
Stupid finals.
06-03-2003, 02:59 PM
Is this like Klink's old customizer?
06-03-2003, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by BiggusDickus
And for another 10.99$ get a gold plated sweedish made penil enlarger.
06-03-2003, 04:24 PM
confusing but good ill try to figure it out.
Originally posted by 2ltben
Is this like Klink's old customizer?
No never heard of this one...
I've done this one from scratch with my trusty C++ compiler.
If I get good feed back I'll try to make it windows based to mahe it look pretty.
Originally posted by Foley
Sorry only demonstration models left ! but at a newly improved price of 9.99$
Don't delay order today...
Originally posted by Dodge
confusing but good ill try to figure it out.
That's realy what I need from you guys, try it and give me some feed back so I can make it better.
is there any way to make it so that everytime i connect to a certain map it will automatically use those models? that would be great so if a map changes from Kalt to Forest you wouldn't have bright white models in a greeny map. I dont know if this is even possible but it would be awsome.
Doc Orange
06-03-2003, 05:46 PM
im a little confuse on what it does tho...
i DO know that it makes customizing easier, but can config it to have certain skins for certain maps?
(ie: Snow skins for kalt, and zalec)
This is like the old DoD customizer for 3.1, at least in the sense it does the same thing but the one for 3.1 was much more user friendly because of the Window GUI. Maybe think about making an easy to use GUI to make it much more user friendly. One thing I like about your version that wasn't in the 3.1 customizer is the ability to also switch sounds in and out, that's an excellent feature.
All things considered, this is a fantastic little utility, great job.
Sir Campalot
Originally posted by PoisontheWell
is there any way to make it so that everytime i connect to a certain map it will automatically use those models? that would be great so if a map changes from Kalt to Forest you wouldn't have bright white models in a greeny map. I dont know if this is even possible but it would be awsome.
Unfortunately the Half-life engine does not allow models to by dynamically loaded in the game...
So it can't automatically update the models during a game session.
I'm thinking of a way around by using the All Seeing Eye utility. With ASE you can filter maps and connect to specific server like that. One way of getting specific models on specifc maps is to customize the command that ASE is calling when you choose a server on a specific map.
I'll have a look at what I can do.
Also dudes the DOD_customiser supports sounds, models, sprites 'n' stuff so don't be shy to use it for different things not just models.
Are models loaded on map loads? Cause maybe you can check incoming packets and when the map change command comes in from the server, you could check the map being loaded and then retry the connection to the server. It's just an idea... not based on any real experience.
Originally posted by ZeroByte
when the map change command comes in from the server, you could check the map being loaded and then retry the connection to the server. .
Sounds worth a try, I'll experiment it. Thanks for the suggestion man.
So the option to go back to default...does that use your last settings before a change was made? Because I have a model pack and sounds that I really like. And I would like to try out custom stuff vs what I have now. So if I install like a weapon pack, then revert back to default, it will go back to the custom stuff I was using before right?
Man, I can't believe it Audrey is talking to miserable me....
I'm not worthy.
However to reply to your question when u type
dod_customizer <your_dod_instal_path> default
The tool automatically revert to the models you had prior to using dod_customizer. It keeps track of changes as you modify things and can only revert to what he knows you have changed. I don't know if this is any clearer but if this helps you, dod_customizer was designed to do exactly what you are trying to do !
So If you don't like your new pack that u installed, providing u used dod_customizer for it, It will revert it to what it was before..
Audrey, you realy have a sweet name...
Bump.... cause this sounds useful..
Excellent program, especially for ppl like me who play in league where u cant use custom model...Now all i have to do before match is to doubleclick on my DefaultModel shortcut, and its done!
But 1 thing i dont like, the fact that it create automaticly a copy of your "old" model, i really hate that, double the size of the model section...
gj :D and thanx alot....ur making my dod life alot easyer :p
06-05-2003, 12:33 PM
but I would like to say Effexx your sig is fuggin sweet :Þ
Originally posted by enkil
Excellent program, But 1 thing i dont like, the fact that it create automaticly a copy of your "old" model, i really hate that, double the size of the model section...
Good point I will make it optional in the next release something like an command line option -nobackup. The only thing though is that their will not be any going back to previous install....
I'm also thinking of allowing to list in the config file multiple versions of the same model/sound etc... and build inside the program a random selection of out of all the same files so you would have a different experience each time u kick of DOD.
I'm thinking it would be cool to have different voices so the game feels a bit more realistic or different weapons like mp41 or mp40 stuff like that.
what do you guys think ?
06-05-2003, 06:12 PM
nice prog
Pleasure man.
I suck at art stuff so That's my way to contribute to the moding community.
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