Are we allowed to use the maphtml format?

ok comp
11-19-2007, 07:09 PM
Jagd and Colmar featured an html map description that loads up when you join that map, and all the CAMP maps have the same feature, so I was hoping to use the same format for my map. I suppose odds are it's fair game for public use, but I'm just being extra sure before I do it.

11-19-2007, 07:15 PM
...yep, you can use it. But, to my knowledge you can't embed the html files into the bsp, so you will have extra files for people to download and install. And if the map gets loaded onto a server that chooses to not distribute the extra html files, the map info (author, etc) will not be included with your hard work.

I personally still use the .txt file, only because it can be included and distributed with the bsp.

ok comp
11-19-2007, 07:33 PM
...yep, you can use it. But, to my knowledge you can't embed the html files into the bsp, so you will have extra files for people to download and install. And if the map gets loaded onto a server that chooses to not distribute the extra html files, the map info (author, etc) will not be included with your hard work.

I personally still use the .txt file, only because it can be included and distributed with the bsp.

Hmm good point. Thanks for replying so quickly!

Dustin Diamond
11-20-2007, 07:26 AM
the CAMP maps have both. The html files are loaded when they're available. If they are missing, the txt file is loaded instead.

12-14-2007, 04:03 AM
Yes you can embed them into the .bsp but i cant recall if it works right with ep1 engine. I think it works in the ep2/orangebox engine though not 100% sure though anyone from the orange box know?

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