[Model] barbedwire fences

11-04-2007, 07:24 AM
revamped my website (http://pedroleum.dod-federation.com) and found some unreleased stuff.. so here goes the minefield signs.

these were both made by request. the first ones for moroes map dod_afrika and the second pack for a never released map called juno. forgot who it was for, sorry...

from the readme:

model: barbedwire
entity type: prop_static
directory: props_barbedwire
model 01: barbedwire_cross01.mdl
model 02: barbedwire_high01.mdl
pc 01: lod0=520, lod1=304
pc 02: lod0=136
skin: 256×256, 128×128
normalmap: no
phong: no
instructions: unpack the materials and models folder to your dod-folder (i.e. c:/programs/steam/steamapps/your@email.com/day of defeat source/dod)

this is what they look like:

and here's the download:
barbedwire_v1.zip (http://pedroleum.dod-federation.com/models/barbedwire_v1.zip)


and from the other readme:

model: barbedwireblock
entity type: prop_static
directory: props_barbedwire
model 01: barbedwireblock_ok1.mdl
model 02: barbedwireblock_ok2.mdl
model 03: barbedwireblock_broken1.mdl
model 04: barbedwireblock_down_middle.mdl
model 05: barbedwireblock_down_side.mdl
pc 01: lod0=258
pc 02: lod0=258
pc 03: lod0=199
pc 04: lod0=258
pc 05: lod0=258
skin: rusty 512×256
skin: grey 512×256
skin: snowy 512×256
normalmap: no
phong: no
instructions: unpack the materials and models folder to your dod-folder (i.e. c:/programs/steam/steamapps/your@email.com/day of defeat source/dod)

this is what they look like:

and here's the download:
barbedwireblock_v1.zip (http://pedroleum.dod-federation.com/models/barbedwireblock_v1.zip)

trp. jed: you can color these green aswell in your list.

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