[FINAL] dod_harrington

10-05-2007, 03:09 PM

As you may have read I stopped mapping a while ago because I lost all motivation for it. Nonetheless my friend and maptester Panteror managed to persuade me to finish at least the map dod_bayeux (which is now called dod_harrington).

Screenshots :

http://pix.nofrag.com/3/c/7/edb4e9763f9ee391346e64438000bt.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/3/c/7/edb4e9763f9ee391346e64438000b.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/9/3/1/6e14cbaa4fcbe7db5290ade84b38et.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/9/3/1/6e14cbaa4fcbe7db5290ade84b38e.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/3/6/a/a6ca01ae47e45d1a0cb2f478642eat.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/3/6/a/a6ca01ae47e45d1a0cb2f478642ea.html)
http://pix.nofrag.com/2/9/3/4e6a59e568152f70448f714364439t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/2/9/3/4e6a59e568152f70448f714364439.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/b/d/6/ae70a0a35113c2890065dc533f888t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/b/d/6/ae70a0a35113c2890065dc533f888.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/7/1/f/6cb2665706090f1c212e1d02ac8dct.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/7/1/f/6cb2665706090f1c212e1d02ac8dc.html)
http://pix.nofrag.com/e/0/a/6a6b4673721d0cf267b0696aa51f2t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/e/0/a/6a6b4673721d0cf267b0696aa51f2.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/1/8/9/2a16292505c8540dbc8d8d7d9ba35t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/1/8/9/2a16292505c8540dbc8d8d7d9ba35.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/d/f/3/4378532f01fdb478177ea9c8bfa10t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/d/f/3/4378532f01fdb478177ea9c8bfa10.html)
http://pix.nofrag.com/b/1/9/e8f50585bbdff8fabadfc811e7430t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/b/1/9/e8f50585bbdff8fabadfc811e7430.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/f/0/c/3f3c55092f24c884e798854a41c39t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/f/0/c/3f3c55092f24c884e798854a41c39.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/9/7/1/3937172c14061db05d7478746c8c8t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/9/7/1/3937172c14061db05d7478746c8c8.html)

Download : Link (http://downloads.dodfrance.com/maps/dodsource/flags/dod_harrington.rar)

Other maps by author :

dod_lennon (dod_lennon remake) (http://downloads.dodfrance.com/maps/dodsource/flags/dod_lennon.rar)

http://pix.nofrag.com/ae/56/5140bf7dcaca737b3af624cc424bt.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/ae/56/5140bf7dcaca737b3af624cc424b.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/c8/72/4d508bc1234121da6583283f92f8t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/c8/72/4d508bc1234121da6583283f92f8.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/d7/bf/bfdd57b68d127ea77d1d0156a990t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/d7/bf/bfdd57b68d127ea77d1d0156a990.html)

dod_santos_b1 (dod_saints remake) (http://downloads.dodfrance.com/maps/dodsource/flags/dod_santos_b1.rar)

http://pix.nofrag.com/a/e/f/017678c26626972060b914ad4dfe1t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/a/e/f/017678c26626972060b914ad4dfe1.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/6/f/c/f460ce417afb72019ad3f072691cbt.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/6/f/c/f460ce417afb72019ad3f072691cb.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/9/c/2/e82b1fcb88b8a4b6ff4ba1edd34aet.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/9/c/2/e82b1fcb88b8a4b6ff4ba1edd34ae.html)

dod_strasbourg_b3 (dod_northound remake) (http://downloads.dodfrance.com/maps/dodsource/flags/dod_strasbourg_b3.rar)

http://pix.nofrag.com/b3/c0/4f0bf89b36071533d7adaef181e6t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/b3/c0/4f0bf89b36071533d7adaef181e6.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/a6/c9/52a0090c77221d565c2050fe1a0et.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/a6/c9/52a0090c77221d565c2050fe1a0e.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/6a/29/c5768be71af0c81545a3aebfa76ct.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/6a/29/c5768be71af0c81545a3aebfa76c.html)

dod_diversion_b2 (dod_diversion remake) (http://downloads.dodfrance.com/maps/dodsource/flags/dod_diversion_b2.rar)

http://pix.nofrag.com/5/1/d/2240e988650651b075d552384ecdbt.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/5/1/d/2240e988650651b075d552384ecdb.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/d/c/2/2eb910759ce3bc2e0919d4aa4b2aet.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/d/c/2/2eb910759ce3bc2e0919d4aa4b2ae.html) http://pix.nofrag.com/b3/c6/10ec10c1646b0153864f49c1a1dft.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/b3/c6/10ec10c1646b0153864f49c1a1df.html)

Changelog from dod_bayeux_rc1 :

- changed the name of the map from dod_bayeux to dod_harrington
- reworked 90% of the maps brushwork and adjusted dimensions to 1.3 layout
- set 32 spawnpoints to 1.3 positons
- fixed areaportal problems
- improved performance at riverarea ( +30 fps)
- new bridge
- new tunnel from bridge to mountain house
- adjusted the moutain size in the river area to 1.3 layout
- expand the allies block wall at axis spawnexit to mountain house
- added small a crack at plateau stair
- enlarged window at plateau
- made the wall at plateau wallable
- new smaller crack at hotel (axis side)
- changed entrance hall at hotel (axis side)
- deepened the ramp at hotel (axis side)
- reopened the gap at arch
- removed the tomb at arch
- replaced boxes at arch with smaller wallable boxes
- removed the boxes at axis spawn exit
- enhanced the floor at church, axis spawn exit and middle gate to one level
- removed movement block items at middle
- set to the flowerpots at middle static
- deepend the capture zone at middle
- raised the flowerboxes at middle
- set the door and window at middlehouse to 1.3 positions
- fixed a ladder bug at middle
- enlarged window at allies middle house
- removed movment block items at allies middle house
- reopened the gap at terrace
- fixed a exploit at tunnel entrance
- removed the railing at mountain house stairs
- reduced the glow of the mountain house lamp
- set new fadescales
- reduced the grass
- cheaper grass
- cheaper water
- added a new overview
- removed several stuck bugs
- removed some unused env_cubemaps
- checked the skybox for bug nades
- fixed several texture bugs

10-05-2007, 05:18 PM
Excellent maps. Good work.

10-05-2007, 07:08 PM
Good job man good to see this one is finished I just uploaded it to our server thanks again .

10-06-2007, 02:30 AM
^^ nice bauer... loving maps^^

10-06-2007, 06:14 AM
Please keep making the wonderful maps you do. They give us hours of enjoyment playing them.
They almost certainly set a standard for others to follow.

10-06-2007, 06:33 AM
Thanks again Bauer for a map which keeps DOD:S flourishing. Cheers.

10-06-2007, 07:29 AM
MIRROR (http://www.renega2.com/news.php?readmore=89)wint info in Spanish

No registration

Madrid (Spain, Europe)

10-06-2007, 03:45 PM
Bauer, although I haven't played this version yet, I'm sure it's phenomenal. You continue to make some of the best custom maps out there. You've definitely set the standard for how good a map should be, please continue to make more great maps.

10-07-2007, 08:54 AM
THANK YOU for fixing the fps on the ally 1 flag. :D

10-13-2007, 01:26 PM
Here is a Highspeed Mirror.

No Registration needed.

Mirror (http://www.dodmap.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=26&func=fileinfo&id=164)

Mirror sponsored by dodmap.com (http://www.dodmap.com)

10-15-2007, 01:13 AM
Nice map. Got it on both of the -=[House of Noobs]=- Servers, and in our Downloads Section. No registration needed!!!

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