Bazooka, Piat, & Panzershreck Question

06-02-2003, 01:02 PM
Is it possible to have a player model show the RPG launcher strapped around their shoulder or something when they are carrying their sidearm? I mean it's strange to see a guy carrying a pistol and then pull a huge bazooka out of nowhere... What scares me is where was he hiding the thing ??? ... LoL... It's more of a visual appeal type issue that really doesn't detract from gameplay...


06-02-2003, 01:32 PM
i dont think its possible on the half life engine :(

Dances w Wolves
06-02-2003, 01:35 PM
been asked a THOUSAND times, no thats not possible, however, our team at are gonna be doing a US pack that will have a rocket strapped to one of them, but it'll be there all the time as its not possible to do what ure asking, but look out for our work

Trp. Jed
06-02-2003, 03:12 PM
LOL. I know what you mean Effexx.

Always fun to shoot a gun with a pistol and see him "dump" a very large steel pipe. Does make me wonder where he was hiding it.

- Jed

06-02-2003, 03:15 PM
how is it not possible? All you have to do is get the team to code it in (not likely). It's just like the backpack in cs you just make it a submodel for each player so that when they take out another gun it shows up. :confused: .. or not :p

Die Schlampfe
06-02-2003, 03:16 PM
Hopefully HL2's engine will or can incorporate this kind of a feature, for all weapons. That would be ace in my opinion. :cool:

06-02-2003, 03:54 PM
it should, look at americas army

06-02-2003, 03:56 PM
Global operations does this nicely. And yes it is very possible. Just like the Backpack in CS.

Trp. Jed
06-02-2003, 03:59 PM
Yes, technically you could make it a submodel and make it hide, but the actuall process of making it hide would be down to the DoD coding itself.

However, its *possible* (if a hack) to put it on the back of the model and include it in all anims EXCEPT the bazooka/piat/panzershrek anims where you would move the bone its attached to so far away from the model that it would never show up, even on the largest of maps.

I'm talking about moving it say 500 - 1000 WC units BELOW the player model. That would make it appear well below the map and therefore out of site.

- Jed

06-02-2003, 04:08 PM
or you might try resizing it and putting it in one of his little pouches for safe keeping heh. :p

Dances w Wolves
06-03-2003, 05:10 AM
exactly thats why its not possible, it requires the team to do it. like we'll prolly neevr see the end of the death cam or those stupid sprites and other stupid additions to 1.0 because it requires the team do to it, i mean bless the server admins they're doing their best. but theres only so much we can do.

Trp. Jed
06-03-2003, 05:40 AM
Well adding an extra back attatchment bone to the player model spine only requires you to edit the ref SMD. As long as you make it a child of another bone (and not free standing) it wont affect the animations as it will just *follow* its parent.

If you were to create a bone like the one in the CS models for the backpack, you could assign the vertices of the bazooka model to that.

You would then just need to edit the anim SMD's for bazooka crouch/stand/prone use and move that bone a long way below which would make it appear to vanish off the soldiers back.

Hack from hell but it should work.

- Jed

Kufi the Inept Ninja
06-03-2003, 05:42 AM
Calm down DW, you make it sound like the dev team's out to get you or something.

As for where the bazooka goes, it goes the same place Clark Kent's clothes go when he becomes Superman ;)

If the code was added though it would mean you could strap whatever primary you were carrying when it wasn't in use: bazooka, Kar, MG maybe, just by having the weapon model attach to the player's back. Of course it'd be a lot of extra models but there might be a way around that. Edit: or do what he said^^^ just change the attached model.

Dances w Wolves
06-03-2003, 07:59 AM
sorry Kufi, i was very very tired and exhausted when i wrote that, i think i typed it a bit more maliciously than i intended :)

Kufi the Inept Ninja
06-03-2003, 08:13 AM
Too much dod eh :D No worries.

Dances w Wolves
06-03-2003, 08:29 AM
i wish i ahvent played dod ina while lol ive been on duty as a volunteer medic / ambuance crew at the Download Concert in donnington if you've heard of it, all weekend, i was absolutly nackered, near enough 2 solid days of casualties :) ho hum, yeah anyway, i know the team aint out to get me ;) well they prolly are now lol... just wish they hadnt have added a few things they did, and i pray to god they correct them.

Kufi the Inept Ninja
06-03-2003, 10:22 AM
Yeah I've heard other people on here talking about that concert, heard it went off. Where's Donnington? Canada someplace? My geography sucks.

PS dev team snipers are closing in on your position but they'll be a bit late because they're all moving scoped.

Dances w Wolves
06-03-2003, 10:28 AM
ROFL Kufi lol

Castle Donnington is in Middle Ear.. England :) its a small villiage with a HUGE race-track.

Iron maiden, less than jake etc. I did make a post in general trying to find out if many other dod players where there cus if they got injured i mighta seen em while working :D but some MOD deleted it :( i linked it to general DoD, dod players seeking other dod players :)

it was actualy kewl, we were the 2nd busiest aid station, and we saw somewhere around 250 casualties, out of a 75,000 crowd i'd say only about 1000 casualties aint bad, cus we didnt get too many serious things, mainly sun burn, astha, hayfever. we had 1 hypothermia and a suspected cardia arrest but otherwise a very pleasent weekend.

lol if people have been tlaking about it, show me where id love to find out what they thought of the concert :D i unfortunatly only got to go into the crowd a couple of times while evanescence were on, and kinda watched iron maiden froma distance, but u cud hear them all lol

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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.