Florence and Point-du-Hoc
Okay, first I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but they are ideas for maps. I'm posting them here because I have no mapping experience whatsoever and no space to get the essential tools. If anyone wants to use these ideas to make a map, go for it, I'd just like to see the completed project...
Florence - If anybody has been to Florence and taken a guided tour of the city, they would've heard about the bridges of Florence. There is only one that dates back beyond WWII. When the Germans were retreating through Italy, they were ordered to destroy all bridges, the Allied vehicles needed to be stopped. All but one had been wired, the mayor of Florence begged them not to blow the bridge so instead they simply destroyed one side, preventing vehicles from passing. How about having the axis defend the bridge for "x" number of minutes and the allies attempt to capture it. If the axis fail, the bridge is saved.
Point-du-Hoc - This pretty much explains itself. It's a beach map. The Allies have to scale a cliff in an attempt to destroy batteries that intel says are there.
Draft Dodger
06-02-2003, 12:55 PM
A Friendly Suggestion: Map Ideas Thread (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=108) :)
06-02-2003, 05:10 PM
Yeah. Also, didn't Kami map Point du Hoc?
06-02-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by 2ltben
Yeah. Also, didn't Kami map Point du Hoc?
he did? lol don't mention it.
beta 1.0 stuff = 3rd generation stuff = age of innocence
Mr. Me
06-02-2003, 11:38 PM
their used to be a PDH map, it had far to high r_speeds and didnt look that good but i would love to see a good working version, ive been their but im afraid a realistic version isnt posible becasue its to large.
06-03-2003, 04:04 AM
believe it or not, but iam thinking about a point du hoc map sinde ive seen the movie "the longest day" the last time in TV...
I didnt start any mapping project rigth now, but I made an overview of what I had in my mind on papers so fare...
Perhabs it will be my next project
06-03-2003, 11:33 AM
it would be an interesting change to see a beach map that isn't based on saving private ryan or medal of honor
06-03-2003, 12:59 PM
Agreed and since default player models are 2nd rangers it would fit perfectly. Objective should be to capture a bunker because the real guns were moved far back before the invasion.
06-03-2003, 05:20 PM
This thread gives me a somewhat related but very interesting and appears to be unique idea for a map...
Mr. Me
06-04-2003, 01:27 AM
If any1 is gona make a map of PDH i might have some useful stuff. Last summer I went their and made photos I could send/post, and ive got a map of the layout of the complex. About the mapping itself, maby u could make the cliff itself a model to lower R_speeds and increase detail, I think it could be possible and If u want my help, I could try. To bad I don’t have a scanner so I cant post that layout. Well, to the person that’s gona try it: Good luck, it should be possible. :cool:
ack, don't even mention that map - I made it under meh old nick, and I'm still hearing for it :rolleyes:
Mr. Me
06-06-2003, 07:25 AM
if ANYONE wants this, i have the photos and got the map i was talking about, well, if u want them, download them here (http://home.deds.nl/~mr_me/pdh.zip)
p.s. dont say im a bad fotograer, i know that. :(
06-06-2003, 09:23 AM
What about the infamous night attack German counterattack on Allied positions inland from Pointeduhoc? Night has atmosphere. The German uses bright MG42 tracers at night to scare the crap out of players, and i bet the noise must has been horrible on the night of june 6!
It would be cool to create a singleplayer adventure to recount those key moments as the tensity esculates, as your supplies wear thin, as ammo runs terribly low, as you cry out for reinforcements, only to be relieved two days later after D-day, after being pushed back by the Germans all the way back to the cliff edge, back to where you were 4 stages ago! And the Destroyer Saterlee constantly rocking the shoreline as part of an allied destroyer support effort..as you protect Colonel Rudder's command post at all costs..but no news of those people from Omaha beach coming to relieve you...yet! What is taking them so long!!?? Then, Shermans pass along the road towards Grandcamp, and the German infantry can't match up due to lack of AT squad. But still, no relieve.....ONly the next day the full load of supplies and help flushes in.....Thus ends this chapter! And when u play it again, different things can happen . You can end up being stranded in a sunken road. Lost in a hedgerow. Avoiding capture. Confused.....Holding back the counterattacking advance coming in spirts. Losing......Or winning...Failing to capture territory....Succeeding in doing so....ANYHTING CAN HAPPEN. What people failed to realise is that one half of the Pointe (the eastern sector) was occupied mainly by US troops, but the other western half from the observation post at the Pointe's tip to the area behind it still had German resistance elements. THe southern highway was secure though, and so was the area further south. But the creek down down further south had German troops. THe allies were only restricted to a few acres of land in which they were to hold out. Moving beyond proved dangerous, and this would be simulated within the singlelpayer game to add a risk and decision making factor.
And on a sidenote: the 88s (most probably the ones that were in the casemates but were shifted out), were taken out by stray allied patrols which were sent out after the Grandcamp-Vierville highway was secure. Thermite grenades were used so as to not make any noise and attract enemies during the course of disabling the 88s. After all, in real war, distant gun shots, explosions, can alert far far far away enemies that would allow them to gather information/clues of the whereabouts of the person that set off those noises....and AI should interpret this and take action accordingly, thus in real life you would do ANYTHING to avoid unnecessary risks, and this shoudl be likewise in a game, where pple to whatever to gain the best possible advantage. The enemy perhaps (but would require extra coding since we are talking about squad/army decisions here), would dynamically make strategic decisions against the player based on the player force's moves, alerting of enemies, etc. THey would track you down, baby!!
Man.....Maybe for HL2!!
06-06-2003, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Mr. Me
If any1 is gona make a map of PDH i might have some useful stuff. Last summer I went their and made photos I could send/post, and ive got a map of the layout of the complex. About the mapping itself, maby u could make the cliff itself a model to lower R_speeds and increase detail, I think it could be possible and If u want my help, I could try. To bad I don’t have a scanner so I cant post that layout. Well, to the person that’s gona try it: Good luck, it should be possible. :cool:
I've thot of this long ago but never got down to doing it.
Maybe, since you are so interested, you can start it up with painting a grayscale height bump map (you know, a grayscale .bmp image with brighter regions representing higher elevations and lower regions representing lower elevations) of the entire Pointe Du hoc area! Then, send that .bmp file to me so it can automatically generate the the model and map brushes. Also, get me some good/suitable textures to use. You don't necessarily need to include craters.
Sadly, are there any topographical maps for Pointe du hoc?? THe only maps i see are tactical maps and overhead aerial maps!! I guess the slight dulations of the land can be done manually.
its pointe du hoc no point du hoc :)
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