[FINAL] dod_strand

Dustin Diamond
08-03-2007, 02:20 AM
With CAMP2 already out, I realized that I'm an idiot and never made a separate release for dod_strand by itself. Note: this is the SAME version as is included in the CAMP1 pack (exact same bsp). If you already have CAMP1 installed, you do NOT need to download this, it's purely for archiving sake on the dod forums...


dod_strand is a faithful source conversion of the classic dod beach map, dod_charlie. It's the same map you used to know and love (or absolutely hated). Axis can use mortars to inflict extra damage upon the invading doughboys. The Allied forces must destroy the four Axis strongholds. Up to 32 players are supported (and encouraged). Strand is a detonation style map with 4 objectives. Storm that beach, soldier!

http://diamond.dod-federation.com/.../dod_strand.rar (http://diamond.dod-federation.com/dod_strand/dod_strand.rar) (21.6mb)
This download includes the exploit fix (.ent file) that was distributed shortly after the CAMP1 release.


higher res:
http://diamond.dod-federation.com/dod_strand/dod_strand_01.jpg (Beach 1)
http://diamond.dod-federation.com/dod_strand/dod_strand_02.jpg (Beach 2)
http://diamond.dod-federation.com/dod_strand/dod_strand_03.jpg (Bunker 1)
http://diamond.dod-federation.com/dod_strand/dod_strand_04.jpg (Left Flak)
http://diamond.dod-federation.com/dod_strand/dod_strand_05.jpg (Right Flak)
http://diamond.dod-federation.com/dod_strand/dod_strand_06.jpg (Radio)
http://diamond.dod-federation.com/dod_strand/dod_strand_07.jpg (Bunker 2)

How to install:
Extract the rar file to your "Day of Defeat Source" directory. The default path is:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\{your username}\Day of Defeat Source\

Download Now (US) (http://diamond.dod-federation.com/dod_strand/dod_strand.rar) (21.6mb)
Mirror 1 (FR) (http://www.dimeric-maps.info/index.php?mod=telechargements&ac=fichier&id=1131)

08-03-2007, 07:46 AM
This download includes the exploit fix that was distributed shortly after the CAMP1 release.

What for a exploit? So its now another *.bsp file as in CAMP1,
but with the same name?

08-03-2007, 07:49 AM
I believe it's the same file.

08-03-2007, 08:42 AM
The bsp are all the same camp1, camp2 and the single download.
The "correction" is an added ent file and it is a server side fix .

08-03-2007, 09:03 AM
i think the question should be, are we gonna get that "missing .bsp" message?

Plz excuse my nubbishness ;)

(bah just read Rosies post after i wrote this)

08-03-2007, 01:25 PM
No you wont :)

This fix is for us who run servers with this map ;)

But I hope that all have it since the days after CAMP1

08-03-2007, 09:34 PM
What for a exploit?

Is that right? The "ent" file gives the location of team"block"wall entities to the server, so they works every times correctly?
And without itīs not saved spawn protection?

Dustin Diamond
08-04-2007, 03:15 AM
i think the question should be, are we gonna get that "missing .bsp" message?

Hell no. It's exactly the same bsp. There is an added .ent file which applies the fix.

In actuallity, you've probably already played with it, since most servers have it installed. It only really needs to be on the server. It's autoapplied to the clients when they join.

Is that right? The "ent" file gives the location of team"block"wall entities to the server, so they works every times correctly?
And without itīs not saved spawn protection?
The fix is NOT for spawn protection. Spawn protection has always been there. The fix corrects a bug in the Source code that may allow some malicious hacking to take place.

no worries, all is good.

More info about the exploit fix can be found here, in the thread i made 3 months ago:

08-06-2007, 10:08 AM
Mirror (http://www.dimeric-maps.info/index.php?mod=telechargements&ac=fichier&id=1131)

09-15-2007, 02:23 PM
sorry for the bump but i've searched this and the other strand thread and could not find this issue. any idea what would make my skybox go all square mode on me? i've tried all resolutions possible and that didn't help.

Dustin Diamond
09-16-2007, 12:46 AM
Wow, i have no idea. Try re-downloading the map. Maybe your version is corrupted. ?? good luck!

09-16-2007, 01:06 AM
Seeings there was a bump, just a quick dod history question :D

There was originally a dod_strand made by Fakedawg in 1.3b, does any one remember that or am i dreaming? :p

09-16-2007, 03:33 AM
tried the version from your site and from the camp map pack, no luck.

09-16-2007, 03:18 PM
Hi, I think you should make the bluff taller. and areas you want lower could be dabbled with craters so that it is accessible

09-16-2007, 03:23 PM
Hi, I think you should make the bluff taller. and areas you want lower could be dabbled with craters so that it is accessibleYou realize this is the "Final" version, right?

09-18-2007, 07:17 AM
I think instead of dynamite, you should get bandalore torpedoes, and instead of airdropped crates, there should be deadbodies lying around with bandalore tube holder bags next to them.

09-18-2007, 07:35 AM
I think instead of dynamite, you should get bandalore torpedoes, and instead of airdropped crates, there should be deadbodies lying around with bandalore tube holder bags next to them.

Bangalore torpedoes are used to clear obstacles (like barbed wire), not blow holes in concrete, take down radio towers or blow up 88's. So, if realism is your issue, you're essentially asking for two types of charge to be available , one for getting off the beach, one for taking out objectives. That would make for interesting game play. Ooops I have the wrong charge with me, can't take out the BG with a bangalore. Now how do I drop it and find some detonation charges? ;)

09-18-2007, 07:04 PM
lol, no for the wire barbs along the shingle. also,the beach is too easy to cross lol. some guy blows a hole in the shingle in less than 1 minute into the game lmao

Cpl. Punishment
09-18-2007, 08:32 PM
Bangalore torpedoes are used to clear obstacles (like barbed wire), not blow holes in concrete, take down radio towers or blow up 88's. So, if realism is your issue, you're essentially asking for two types of charge to be available , one for getting off the beach, one for taking out objectives. That would make for interesting game play. Ooops I have the wrong charge with me, can't take out the BG with a bangalore. Now how do I drop it and find some detonation charges? ;)

Even if you wanted to do this, I don't think you can. Unlike DoD 1.3, I don't think there's an option to drop objective items (at least none that I've found).

lol, no for the wire barbs along the shingle. also,the beach is too easy to cross lol. some guy blows a hole in the shingle in less than 1 minute into the game lmao

That's just bad defense. Get an MG up there or something. ;)

09-18-2007, 10:00 PM
yeah, but after initial spray from mg...bazooka rains down upon our bunkers!

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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.