Disappearing Models

06-27-2007, 10:32 PM
Ok, I'm working on a detonation map for DoD:S, and what I'm doing is, I'm putting 3 bombs on a tiger tank, and after the third bomb explodes, I will have the original model killed, and I would have a destroyed model appear. I would have the destroyed model (prop_dynamic) start disabled then I would have the 3rd bomb have outputs that would kill the original model, and Enable the destroyed model. The problem with that is, the destroyed model (before the 3rd bomb exploded) would still be there, but it would be invisible. You couldnt see it, but it was still there physically, I lined it up perfectly with the original model, but if you look at the destroyed model, the main gun is angled more to the left (if you are facing the tank).

Now, in order to try to fix it, I changed the destroyed model to prop_physics, disabled all movement, and had it Start Asleep. The 3rd bomb would kill the original model, and wake up the destroyed model. This seemed to work because the tank was not there physically before the bomb exploded, but when it did explode, the model was not there, physically or visibly.

Nothing was wrong in my Compile log or Console. How would I solve either problem, I dont need both solutions but that would be nice.


06-28-2007, 12:44 AM
Did you check how Valve did it in dod_jagd?

Dustin Diamond
06-28-2007, 01:25 AM
You dont notice this problem in the valve maps because the specific models they use as destroyed versions are smaller than the non-destroyed version. That is, the invisible model is completely covered by the normal version until the normal version is disabled.

dragon's problem stems from the fact that the destroyed Tiger model has a different footprint than the normal version (turret is twisted, tracks are broken).

I've tested this out and verified the problem - the disabled model still collides with the player. Also, the player disappears when standing on the disabled model. Crazy.

I'm not sure what to do other than just use a different model.

06-28-2007, 02:35 AM
It is possible to create a custom collision using a func_brush (w/player clip texture) for the problem model(s). You can enable/kill func_brushes in the dod_bomb_target output settings.

This method was used in dod_jagd to remove the collision on the hedgehog models (sitting beside the tank objective).

06-28-2007, 09:01 AM
It is possible to create a custom collision using a func_brush (w/player clip texture) for the problem model(s). You can enable/kill func_brushes in the dod_bomb_target output settings.

This method was used in dod_jagd to remove the collision on the hedgehog models (sitting beside the tank objective).

I looked at jagd, and that would work. How would I go about starting it disabled? My problem is the exact opposite of jagd, I have to have it start disabled, then have it become enabled after the bomb blows up.

edit: does it matter what func_ thing I use? In jagd, they used func_wall.

06-28-2007, 09:08 AM
both func_wall and func_brush will work. Func_brush is the Source equivalent of func_wall and func_illusionary combined. All 3 remain available

06-28-2007, 12:30 PM
thanks for all the help, but how do I start the func_wall disabled? thats the ultimate problem here lol.

06-28-2007, 12:39 PM
Don't use a func_wall for this, it can't be enabled/disabled. Use a func_brush instead, you'll have a "start disabled" option there.

06-28-2007, 02:17 PM
Thanks so much, I'm pretty sure that will do it, if I have problems, I'll come back. Out of the 3 forums I've posted this problem, this one has been the most help.

Also, when I try to put my custom pictures in (using infodecal), they don't show up in-game. The thing I'm trying to put in is a picture that says "Map Made by {pDs} Dragon"

I can't figure out whats wrong.

Juan Nadie
07-10-2007, 11:49 AM
I am new member in the page I have been editing some maps but still noob . Hope this will help you ! The phisic of some models disapears when you convert from Prop_static to prop_dinamic.Then U make a nodraw surface arround the model to make it touchable. After detonation relate the outputs to kill the normal model and the nodraw surface. Try to create a template point to introduce the destroyed model as a prorp physic_multiplayer.

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