Hand skin related to weapon is possible
05-28-2007, 11:12 AM
I just discovered that if you place a v_hand shader into a material folder of a weapon it uses that handskin defined in that shader.
That could come in handy for some use.
I just hope I'm not saying something that was already known, cause it seem kinda easy not to been figured out.
So I like to have some feedback on this.
This unfortunately doesn't "fix" the different hand texture for each side, but that can be done by recompiling the models though.
Wile E Coyote
05-28-2007, 11:35 AM
I just discovered that if you place a v_hand shader into a material folder of a weapon it uses that handskin defined in that shader.Can you please rephrase? I got confused.
05-28-2007, 11:58 AM
Can you please rephrase? I got confused.
I think (don't get me wrong here) he's saying that if you put a hand texture in the model (say MG42) material directory, it'll apply that hand texture to that model only.
05-28-2007, 12:01 PM
Instead of using the same hand texture for each class, each weapon, each side, you can now choose to use a specific handskin for each _weapon_ individually.
So you could have bloody hand when using a knife for example and at the sametime switch to the thompson for example and got clean hands.
That doesn't make any realistic sense really but it might come in handy.
But you can ofcourse put my US gloves into all the us weapon folders and when you are playing each us weapon you hold you see the US gloves.
And when you switch to the german side you just using the default hand texture, exept when you pickup a US weapon, which uses the US gloves, but then don't pickup cause it's been toched by the enemy ;)
I think (don't get me wrong here) he's saying that if you put a hand texture in the model (say MG42) material directory, it'll apply that hand texture to that model only.
Uhm yes, that :P
06-01-2007, 10:12 PM
The best example for this kind of use is apply gloves for the MGs. l would really love to see some asbestos lined gloves for the MG42 gunner.
06-02-2007, 12:07 AM
Something like that for the rocket as well.
Trp. Jed
06-02-2007, 06:16 AM
Just to explain how it works...
A model can have more than one materials path defined in the MDL. When a model uses a specific texture it goes through each of these paths in order looking for the VMT matching that name. If it find it, it stops looking in the others.
For example, the v_kar98.mdl file has the following material paths:
When the model is used it checks both these folders in order for the VMTs so if the hand VMT is in the k98 folder is uses that in preference to the one localed in the hands folder.
If you want to know what material paths exist for a specific model and what order the paths are defined you can use my MdlTexInfo (http://www.wunderboy.org/sourceapps.php#mdl_tex) tool to do it.
Wile E Coyote
06-07-2007, 07:22 PM
I forgot to mention this - You can have separate team skins but it's really not possible for different class hand skins due to the fact most of them share common weapon models like grenades and melee weapons. So you can pretty much split them up into axis and allied but that's it.
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