[HUD] testers with 1280 x 1024 displays...

05-15-2007, 01:50 AM
I rushed the last update of the Ver 7 HUD, it had quite a few things I was not happy about and I noticed some were even worse on 1280 x 1024 display settings... only way I can test is in a windowed mode on my 20" widescreen.

So, if you have a display running those settings, I would like some help pleeeeeease :)

This ver 7 hud is not my personal favorite... but a hell of a lot of people download it and it deserves to be correct. here are the changes...

Two basic types now for ver 7, black and standard dods colors.

* The kills and deaths colors and options... small changes of some colors and fonts now has 8 types...

* Standard Fonts YOUR smaller type Background only

* Standard Fonts NO Backgrounds

* Standard Fonts BOTH smaller type Background

* Standard DoDs Standard Fonts Standard Backgrounds

* Small Fonts YOUR smaller type Background only

* Small Fonts NO Backgrounds

* Small Fonts BOTH smaller type Background

* Small Highlighted Fonts BOTH smaller type Background

* All hud fonts, checked and adjusted, tried to rework the fonts for better display for 1280x1024 displays.

* Fixed Teamselect menu from moving too far on the right side... more centred now.

* Small adjustments to hud items inside player status panel and fireselect.

* Standard version adjusted to standard dods colors... slight changes to kills and deaths colors.

* Black version has all panels black now, adjusted capture progress bar colors.

* Adjusted installers for the two types.

Edit Download changed now has 8 kills and deaths options. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/Kills_and_deaths_options.jpg)

EDIT: Small change in Crosshairs, added one, renamed three (make sure you uninstall old test version) Pics...

All Crosshairs nine of them. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/INsanes_Crosshairs.jpg) Explanation of fading crosshairs. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/INsanes_Animated_Fading_X-Hairs.jpg)

DOWNLOAD THE TWO TEST VERSIONS (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/Small_hud_7_Test_version_5.zip)



05-17-2007, 08:12 PM
Does the standard one have one death/kills?

I really like the new font...

http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/6034/newhudja2.th.gif (http://img176.imageshack.us/my.php?image=newhudja2.gif)

05-17-2007, 10:30 PM
No it has two color background :)

Visit to the HudLayout.res and edit second bottom line...

"fieldName" "HudDeathNotice"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r640"
"wide" "640"
"tall" "480"

"MaxDeathNotices" "4"
"LineHeight" "11" //"19"
"RightJustify" "1" // If 1, draw notices from the right

"TextFont" "KDFontLIGHT" //"ChatFont""KDFontLIGHT""KDFontSmall"
"CTTextColor" "CT_Blue"
"TerroristTextColor" "T_Red"

"BackgroundColor" "HudKillsDeathsOthers" //others kills (change to "0 0 0 0" for no background.
"ActiveBackgroundColor" "HudKillsDeathsYou" //your kills

05-17-2007, 10:56 PM
So, change others kills to 0 0 0 0


05-18-2007, 01:22 AM
Hold the phone Guyver... just making some changes :D

I now have 8 options for kills and deaths, your favorite is in there too as an option with small fonts or standard fonts in the kills and deaths.


* Standard Fonts YOUR smaller type Background only

* Standard Fonts NO Backgrounds

* Standard Fonts BOTH smaller type Background

* Standard DoDs Standard Fonts Standard Backgrounds

* Small Fonts YOUR smaller type Background only

* Small Fonts NO Backgrounds

* Small Fonts BOTH smaller type Background

* Small Highlighted Fonts BOTH smaller type Background

Players are fussy about this area... if I missed a combination I will add it... just ask!

I will adjust the download soon when I complete testing. Both Standard color and Black installers/files adjusted... still testing.

Edit Download changed now has 8 kills and deaths options. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/Kills_and_deaths_options.jpg)

Downloads changed again.

* Minimap transparency has 4 levels (forgot to add this from other huds)

* Added an option to have a larger Player Status Panel that enables the use of the "Current Weapon" and "Player class" images. This required some further shrinking of the Ammo Graphics.

Picture of the new option. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/Larger_HUD_Option.jpg)

Both Standard and Black panel installers have been adjusted to have this option. Look for the "Larger HUD Option" tickbox in the installers.

DOWNLOAD THE TWO TEST VERSIONS. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/Small_hud_7_Test_version_5.zip)

05-18-2007, 03:42 PM
Cool. :)

05-18-2007, 07:12 PM
Small change in Crosshairs, added one, renamed three (make sure you uninstall old test version) Pics...

All Crosshairs nine of them. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/INsanes_Crosshairs.jpg)
Explanation of fading crosshairs. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/INsanes_Animated_Fading_X-Hairs.jpg)

DOWNLOAD THE TWO TEST VERSIONS (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/Small_hud_7_Test_version_5.zip)

05-19-2007, 10:36 AM
i installed the pack, but have these two issues with detonation

1. when picking up tnt, the icon still remains bare

2. when planting the tnt, the rest of my lower hud icons disappear

this is the first time i tried these huds. i its really good. i really dig the transparency on the map

05-19-2007, 05:04 PM
Thanks I'll get on it :)

1. when picking up tnt, the icon still remains bare

Checking. Strange! Make sure you DO NOT have a res file called/in... "dod/resource/UI/HudPlayerStatusTNT.res"

If you have that file delete it! It is not part of these huds but may be a file from another.

2. when planting the tnt, the rest of my lower hud icons disappear

This is a standard item in the shrinking of the 3 weapon items in the Player Status Panel, in the normal hud you have say... a Thompson, you will have a Player class icon, a small graphic of the Thompson (Main Weapon) and then the ammo.

The small "Main Weapon" graphic had to go when shrinking the Player Status Panel this much. That is also why you don't get a spade or a knife.

I think I may raise the player status panel background to the top of the health bar height... shrink the ammo clip graphic and place the disabled graphic (disabled via a res file setting) of the Current main weapon back in.

i really dig the transparency on the map

Thanks :) Did you also try low transparency with a mouse bind...

bind "MOUSE4" "+overview_largemap"

One flick on the mouse with your thumb, view a see-through full screen as you're running ... let go it's gone. God I love that :)

Thanks Neutrino, look for another version soon, today sometime (Sunday morning in Australia).

BTW... if you are a minimap user I am trying different things in that area on another hud type.
Move the minmap to the top left, Object icons more to the middle or on the lower right, kills and deaths at the very top right... use of the minimap means the kills and deaths don't move below the top third of the screen.

Pics of some versions so far

Pic 1 (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/HUD/MiniRight/Pics/dod_anzio0024.jpg) Pic 2 (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/HUD/MiniRight/Pics/dod_anzio0027.jpg) Pic 3 (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/HUD/MiniRight/Pics/dod_anzio0037.jpg) Pic 4. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/HUD/MiniRight/Pics/dod_jagd0021.jpg)

05-19-2007, 10:51 PM
Downloads changed again.

* Minimap transparency has 4 levels (forgot to add this from other huds)

* Added an option to have a larger Player Status Panel that enables the use of the "Current Weapon" and "Player class" images. This required some further shrinking of the Ammo Graphics.

Picture of the new option. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/Larger_HUD_Option.jpg)

Both Standard and Black panel installers have been adjusted to have this option. Look for the "Larger HUD Option" tickbox in the installers.

DOWNLOAD THE TWO TEST VERSIONS. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Ver7/Small_hud_7_Test_version_5.zip)

05-20-2007, 10:31 AM
Thx for this test version of your great HUD. I have a 19'' TFT with a resolution of 1280*1024 and your HUD works fine. The new "larger Player Status Panel" option is great!


05-21-2007, 04:14 AM
this is like.... GREAT!
thank you for that - been a fan of your CAL-huds for quite some time now, but this one really tops it off!
i especially like the fade-rifle-crosshair - very good to see when moving (especially when strafing! -> lights/me need to do that a lot ^^) and the little dot helps to aim very well, even at very long distances! improved my distance shots quite a lot - hardly need to iron-sight anymore.

i got one of the mentioned tfts (1280*1024) will post all issues i find asap.

here's one already (even though installer related):
Memu -> Menu

05-21-2007, 04:24 AM
found another issue: the small pic of the rifle or nade or whatever killed you in the death messages - i always select "small" sized here - but when restarting, its "standard" sized again

05-21-2007, 01:28 PM
Thanks tPCt good find!

There is no way the menu selection can write to the config file permanently.

But... when you select the size the button also issues an "echo" (text sent to the console) in the console....

*** K/D ICON SIZE now M/S 20% *** cl_deathicon_height 9 AND cl_deathicon_width 25 ***

... If you pressed the M/S button this message will be in the console, you can place these... "cl_deathicon_height 9" and "cl_deathicon_width 25" in a autoexec.cfg file and make the change permanent.

I will place the info in a readme with an example autoexec.cfg file... or I think I can make a separate installer that does this job... NSIS installers can look in a folder, find a file and add lines... if the file is not there... it makes one.

Thanks for the info!

05-21-2007, 04:27 PM

some other things i recognized:

-the mani info message on the top left - in normal gameplay it doesnt block the flag-panel anymore, but when in death/spectator-mode it does again (ok, a tiny little bit - see pic)

- when using small deathicons (the weapon pics we talked about before), these are small - BUT the flag-capture/break icons stay default sized (see pic)

- the "lan-server", "tick 100,66,33" buttons do not seem to change anything yet - at least i didnt recognize any cvar-changes in the console after clicking one of them -> you might want to make especially these settings "editable" for the "pros" too - i do play competitive in europe, and netsettings over here are pretty much like religion. everyone believes something else to be "the thing" -> especially as interpolate 0 is allowed over here too...


thx for the deathicon cvars - worked great. also what you mentioned before, putting the minimapon on the top-left side, another great idea! will "unload" the right side quite a bit ^^

and another thing - an option to remove the black bars in death/spectate mode would be great too. there's something for that on the dodbits site, but that thing totally messes my hud up (the bars are gone, but so are the "counter to respawn" and the watched name + health

05-22-2007, 02:04 AM

some other things i recognized:

-the mani info message on the top left - in normal gameplay it doesnt block the flag-panel anymore, but when in death/spectator-mode it does again (ok, a tiny little bit - see pic)
I'll have a play with that... the file came from another hud and it looks too low.

- when using small deathicons (the weapon pics we talked about before), these are small - BUT the flag-capture/break icons stay default sized (see pic)
I have not been able to shrink those yet, it's a known issue I have tried to solve before... no luck yet :)

- the "lan-server", "tick 100,66,33" buttons do not seem to change anything yet - at least i didnt recognize any cvar-changes in the console after clicking one of them -> you might want to make especially these settings "editable" for the "pros" too - i do play competitive in europe, and netsettings over here are pretty much like religion. everyone believes something else to be "the thing" -> especially as interpolate 0 is allowed over here too...

These are just very basic settings for casual Pub players that don't know the commands to adjust...

LAN Server....... "rate 25000; cl_updaterate 100; cl_cmdrate 100"
100 Tick HIGH... "rate 20000; cl_updaterate 100; cl_cmdrate 100"
66 Tick MED...... "rate 15000; cl_updaterate 66; cl_cmdrate 66"
33 Tick LOW...... "rate 10000; cl_updaterate 33; cl_cmdrate 33"

Absolutely not for comp' play, the menu's target user is for the casual Pub player who wants more control but knows nothing of .cfg file adjustment.

However, the file that the menu is built on is very easy to edit. Go to dod/resource/UI folder open the TeamMenu.res file with wordpad (NotePad screws these up sometimes) and find the 4 sections named.... LAN Rates HIGH, CABLE Rates HIGH, DSL Rates HIGH, DSL Rates LOW.

In each section you will find a line with "Command" in it, adjust the settings/add more just like a .cfg file on that line and even rename the buttons label ("labelText") if you like...

"ControlName" "Button"
"fieldName" "CABLE Rates HIGH"
"xpos" "300"
"ypos" "348"
"wide" "85"
"tall" "15"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"tabPosition" "0"
"labelText" "100 Tick HIGH" // buttons label
"textAlignment" "centre"
"dulltext" "0"
"brighttext" "0"
"font" "DefaultVerySmall"
"wrap" "0"
"Command" "rate 20000; cl_updaterate 100; cl_cmdrate 100" // change and add more
"Default" "0"
"selected" "0"

thx for the deathicon cvars - worked great. also what you mentioned before, putting the minimapon on the top-left side, another great idea! will "unload" the right side quite a bit ^^

and another thing - an option to remove the black bars in death/spectate mode would be great too. there's something for that on the dodbits site, but that thing totally messes my hud up (the bars are gone, but so are the "counter to respawn" and the watched name + health

Sounds like you would use the other hud then.. Miniright. It will be developed more soon right after this one, it will be optioned up more like this one, things like the minimal spec bar (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/HUD/MiniRight/Pics/dod_anzio0027.jpg), are in that one. There is a download for a working version but it's not refined yet, very playable, my favorite now, it just takes a while to get used to looking down for the object icons. The Miniright hud will have 2 styles and 2 color types like version 7.
MiniRight info...
Pic of the two styles. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/HUD/MiniRight/MiniRight_Jagd_start.jpg)

Download of Standard type (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/HUD/MiniRight/MiniRight_Standard_HUD.zip)

Download of the Swastika type (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/HUD/MiniRight/MiniRight_Swastika_HUD.zip)

Readme (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/HUD/MiniRight/MiniRight_readme.txt)

05-22-2007, 02:35 AM
ok thx for all the info... so miniright it is then ^^
but i'll continue using this one for now... the mini-spec thingy looks great.

yeah i've seen this mini-right thing before, at first glance i liked the idea of having all the info in one place - but then it seemed kinda "big". but after all - it could just 'block' the weapon model a little - so who cares.
but i think making it a bit smaller -> especially lower would be good - like removing the "weapon class pic" (the soldier thingy) to free up some space.

05-22-2007, 03:52 PM
Nice job.

However, the teammenu is black even on the standard version?


05-23-2007, 01:10 AM
Nice job.

However, the teammenu is black even on the standard version?


Heh... fixed now, click on one of the links in the above posts, thanks Guyver :D

05-24-2007, 07:59 PM

07-30-2007, 01:28 PM
Insane, what do I need to change to make this more see-through?

I know the number I need is 30 though.

07-30-2007, 01:45 PM
You could use the menu, or ClientScheme.res...

"HudKillsDeathsOthers" "180 180 150 180" // "180 180 150 200"
"HudKillsDeathsYou" "255 219 112 150" // "255 219 112 180"

Change the last number "HudKillsDeathsYou" "255 219 112 150" change 150 to 90.

That controls transparency 0 to 250 is the range.

0 = see through.
250 = solid color.

Just change, reload a game after each change to see the change.

07-30-2007, 01:53 PM
Thanks :D

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