
05-09-2007, 03:12 PM
Check out my work in progress of my pack of cigarettes (lucky strike).
I will use this for ..... something I'll show you later ;)

But you can now see how it looks.
I think it worked out quite sweet.

I gathered as much reference as I could for a pack design from WW2.
The only thing I need to add is the "label"/"seal" at the top of the pack.
Also how would the top look like?
Would it be totall "covered" by aluminiumlike material?

I don't smoke so I don't really know those details well, especially like one from WW2.

And about the "seal", how would that look (in details).
Anyone got a good reference picture (colors, text, shape, etc)

Trp. Jed
05-09-2007, 03:22 PM
lol. congrats, you made a box.

05-09-2007, 03:27 PM
lol. congrats, you made a box.


A box :P

05-09-2007, 03:29 PM
lol. congrats, you made a box.
Not really.
Well ofcourse I did make one, and it was a pain in the backside to make that, and especially unwrapping the ******* :rolleyes:

But what do you think of the skin.

This is not just a pack of cigarettes, it will be added to something and I think you guys like it ;)
It is not meant for staticprop.
Just wait for more screens.


A box :P

Don't you guys dare to download the final result, this is just a part of it. :p

But I'd rather have some comments which are more usefull, like what I asked in the first post about the seal and top, so I can finish this part.

05-09-2007, 04:08 PM
Tbh, while it looks good, it actually looks a little TOO good.
It seems way too "new" and "off the shelf", despite the dirt marks you've given it to suggest that it's travelled with the soldier who bought it for a while...

That's a soft-pack, and they never retain their shape and packaging that well, especially when they travel in a pocket/sleeve/belt etc, exposed to bumps and whatnot.

Depending on what you intend to use them for (basically anything but a WW2 aquisitions fence, or packed into somebodys open foot-locker in the middle of the battlefield), it's probably better to have a model of a box that's at least been started.

Sorry to be nit-picky, but you asked what we thought of your model.

I'd suggest rounding-off (squashing in) each of the corners a little, and adding a few solid creases all over the pack, like it's been squished a little in its travels... And definitely opening it... Not having a smoke sticking out the top hollywood style, but at least with a small corner of the top ripped off and folded closed again.

05-09-2007, 04:18 PM
Tbh, while it looks good, it actually looks a little TOO good.
It seems way too "new" and "off the shelf", despite the dirt marks you've given it to suggest that it's travelled with the soldier who bought it for a while...

That's a soft-pack, and they never retain their shape and packaging that well, especially when they travel in a pocket/sleeve/belt etc, exposed to bumps and whatnot.

Depending on what you intend to use them for (basically anything but a WW2 aquisitions fence), it's probably better to have a model of a box that's at least been started.

Sorry to be nit-picky, but you asked what we thought of your model.

I'd suggest rounding-off each of the corners a little, and adding a few solid creases all over the pack, like it's been squished a little in its travels... And definitely opening it... Not having a smoke sticking out the top hollywood style, but at least with a small corner of the top ripped off and folded closed again.

Thanks, this is some usefull info!

I know about looking to new.
At first I didn't want it to look to worn/old, but it depends where it's been and where it's carried and who carried it, that determains the state of it.

But I will make it more damaged, no problem.

It does look to new when looking at the shape indeed.
I used this box as a test shape and started unwrapping it and then later I thought I should have make it more rounded.
I'll see if I still need to do that, cause I don't know if it would even be noticable ingame.

If this would be used as a prop or v_model I would definately change the model and add more polys, but I don't think it needs it for my use.

Oh well, I'll just tell you what I am gonna use it for.
It will be placed on the helmet :eek:

05-09-2007, 04:23 PM
Oh well, I'll just tell you what I am gonna use it for.
It will be placed on the helmet :eek:

Good idea, but if you do that, make sure to kind of crinkle the middle, so when it's "taped" to the helmet, it looks more like it's on there tight and not just like a pack with glue on it.

05-09-2007, 04:42 PM
How are you going to put on the helmet and still stay within the hitboxes?

05-09-2007, 04:44 PM
How are you going to put on the helmet and still stay within the hitboxes?

I believe the hitbox for the helmet is a square, and a pack of cigs isn't THAT big, so he might be able to put it near the middle and keep inside the box.

Major Ingram
05-09-2007, 09:38 PM
love the model and all

but ciggaretees are a bad thing...verry bad

05-10-2007, 09:50 AM
love the model and all

but ciggaretees are a bad thing...verry bad
This is true.
I don't smoke(d) myself and I had second thoughts about this but I thought about this idea cause I wanted to make a custom soldier model and thought of this, cause I have seen this in movies or in photo's of WW2.

I would not have used this in a current game like CCS.
But this does remind ME of beeing used in WW2 or Vietnam.

But ofcourse this can of will be used by soldiers currently.

And I don't think it looks cool cause smoking is not cool at all, but to me it has a WW2 feel to it.


About the hitbox.

I can't seem to hack or make a custom helmet cause the helmet that is a seperate mdl in the helmets folder is the world model and the helmet used on a player model is a mesh which is in the playermodel mdl.
You can see the helmet reference when you exctract a player(class) model.

And the russian hat from the russian pack is also not a seperate helmet model but just a hacked player model and put a hat on the player mesh itself.

I am saying 2 things now that don't add up.....
The russian pack is using a hacked player model for the helmet, but I am hacking the helmet ref.....

Hm I guess it doesn't make a difference which way to do it.
But please correct me if I'm wrong.


About the attatchment of the cigbox.

I was thinking of doing partial mesh of a strap/net of some kind and modify the texture of the helmet instead of making the strap/net completely seperate on the helmet.

But it is hard to make some kind of (thin) strap/band mesh around a helmet cause it being so thin.
So I'd rather make it partially, so when the strap starts to touch the helmet then the rest would be "painted" on the texture, but it's tricky to get it to line up correctly....

I will try do the texture approach though.

If you got any tips let me know.
Thanks for the comments.

05-10-2007, 02:59 PM
lol. congrats, you made a box.

whoooohooooooo, we need to steer him to making orange maps now........

05-10-2007, 04:47 PM
I'm a fan of your props so I think I have all your hi-res stuff. The smokes will be a welcome (and fresh) addition to your collection!

05-12-2007, 03:14 PM
I'm a fan of your props so I think I have all your hi-res stuff. The smokes will be a welcome (and fresh) addition to your collection!
Thank you.
Got lots in my devshed, but got some compile problems that is keeping me from releasing unfortunately.

For example I can't seem to compile the sigs for the player, and for some reason I can't get the wrist problem solved....

If there is anyone who can have a go at some of these models of mine, and try to get it compile ok or help me to fix, please.

05-14-2007, 05:25 AM
Thank you.
Got lots in my devshed, but got some compile problems that is keeping me from releasing unfortunately.

For example I can't seem to compile the sigs for the player, and for some reason I can't get the wrist problem solved....

If there is anyone who can have a go at some of these models of mine, and try to get it compile ok or help me to fix, please.

What problems are you havin' with the wrists? If it's what I think it is (wrists twist too much and look bad), then This thread from Trp. Jed ( should be able to help ya.

edit: Oops, or maybe it wont... I just re-read the rest of the thread, and realised you've already posted in it. Perhaps if you got back to him in that thread, I'm willing to bet he'd be happy to help.

07-16-2007, 03:35 PM
** Update **

Is this better?

Btw, this is an exact replica of a Lucky Strike pack from WW2.
More clear screens can be seen above.


- make package more worn (texture) * 2 versions?
- make dents in package (normalmap)
- add (minor) reflections?
- model "strap" instead of a mixture of mesh and texture (playerskin)

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