When vrad crashes unexpectedly....

05-07-2007, 06:38 PM
If you guys have problems with vrad crashing unvariably during its process (the moment it occurs may vary) and you can't see anything wrong in your compile log, the problem probably lies in the size of the allocated virtual memory.

To change that, go to your system properties, in the advanced tab, and click on "settings" in the "performance" subsection. Once in, click on the advanced tab again, and all the way down you should see the virtual memory section. You can then modify its size, to allow more space on your hard drive to be used as storage for processes running, per partition.

Hope this helps someone :)

05-07-2007, 07:54 PM
I've had my virtual memory run down super low when running vrad, I had to bump it up a gig or so just for the compile tools :P

Remember to close other maps that might be open in Hammer before compiling too, they hold open a few hundred megs or so each.

05-08-2007, 03:31 AM
Or use other tools like Batch Compiler to compile the map without Hammer being open. The reason I posted this was that both my current maps would crash during HDR compiling, using Batch Compiler....

05-09-2007, 03:28 PM
Ever since and the beta sdk introduced HDR my vrad doesnt work anymore. Id kill to get my hands on an earlier copy of it. Ill try upping my virtual memory but i doubt itll do anything.

05-09-2007, 04:54 PM
I found your thread pertaining to that when I discovered my own cause for the vrad crashes, and read it in case it had something to do with it, and I didn't think it did either

Dustin Diamond
05-09-2007, 06:51 PM
I've noticed that when vrad crashes, if I just leave the error message on the screen and dont click OK, vrad continues to work and finish. Crazy.

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