Compiles ?

04-25-2007, 05:58 AM
What is the main difference between fast full and expert compiles ?

My map has been taking forever to do a full or expert compile so i have been doing fast vvis what can i expect out of doing a expert compile ? I have been waiting for two days Its almost done ! lmao :D

04-25-2007, 06:10 AM
Optimize the map.

04-25-2007, 06:36 AM
Don't worry about expert compile unless you want to use the 'final' compile feature which takes much longer than the normal compile. A normal compile which uses normal BSP, VIS, and RAD. Fast compile options are not recommended normaly as a fast VIS will cause weird bugs/errors and will not run at the best FPS due to the engine not having optimized VIS information. And fast RAD will just make the lighting crappy.

So the key to cutting down compile times is to optimize the map. Look at tutorials because there is quite a lot of stuff to optimizing. Main things to look at is func_details - world brushes should be quite simple and plain, and use of func_details to make details. A good sky/roof to the map, so that VIS doesn't see over buildings that players can't see over, func_areaportals for that. Hints are a bit out dated now but still look into them, official maps use them a little to stop VIS seeing over walls. And a skybox for 'out of bounds' areas.

A regular compile time (optimized) for a normal compile is normally less than an hour depending on size of map and computer you use. dod_vigilance takes 45 mins on normal compile, and 5-6 hours on final compile.

Note: Don't bother with final compile until you are totally ready to release your map, even then I wouldn't bother until it's final version.

04-25-2007, 07:12 AM
I have been going through that optimizing tut for a few weeks now Furyo . Ca-chicken so you are saying that my fps will increase with a full or expert compile that will be great fps may be where they need to be then thanks a lot soup for the time to explain that .

Dustin Diamond
04-25-2007, 08:49 AM
FPS might increase when you go from fast to normal. They will NOT increase from normal to expert. The onyl difference btw normal and expert is that vrad (the lighting) takes long and supposedly looks better (marginally).

As a general rule: use fast for testing changes quickly, but dont release anything unless it's been normal compiled. Once you are done with everything, then do expert (but it takes a LOT longer).

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