Normal Checkbox Refresh Solved

04-25-2007, 01:36 AM
Hello, i'm working on they hunger and this problem was a REAL pain!

//edit. This is for people who the double clicking wasn't working..

I couldn't find any answers on the net, so I assume some people still have this problem, and here's what I worked out 30 mins ago.

It's all about model SCALE!! It's that simple. My models were larger than the HLMV ground plane. Scale them down until you cant see them in HLMV if you have to, and double click the normal checkbox on. If the model is too small in HLMV, re-export it as large as it was initially, and the normal checkbox will be stuck on and not off!

So you can see why it only effected some people and not others/some models and not others.

as you were...

04-25-2007, 11:03 AM
Wow, thanks for this info!
It seems it can be fixed just by doubleclicking.
But after refreshing (f5) you have to doubleclick again.

Man this is so cool, this saves a lot of annoyance!

04-25-2007, 05:51 PM
You have to double click, but if the models scale is too big, you can double click until you die from it and you still wont check the box. Clearly you never had an issue, and the sarcasm is immature to the level of prepubescence.

The larger the models scale, the harder it is to check the box until it's impossible.

04-26-2007, 02:30 PM
You have to double click, but if the models scale is too big, you can double click until you die from it and you still wont check the box. Clearly you never had an issue, and the sarcasm is immature to the level of prepubescence.

The larger the models scale, the harder it is to check the box until it's impossible.
Hm I might not have read it propperly, my apologies for that.
But it DIT fixed the common problem that seemed to affect some people and couldnt fix it but thanks to your post it is "fixed" ;)

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