Build order for mapping?

04-15-2007, 04:43 PM
So, I have sketched out my first map and done basic layout of the flags buildings and other landmarks. At what point should I start checking the timing of the map (seeing who gets to what flags first and who has advantages at certain parts of the map)?

After I think I have the timing down what order would you suggest I do the following.

Complete Buildings and Layout

Basic Lighting


Add water

Add detail

Thanks for you input, I figured I would ask the pros in order to save some time down the road and prevent from going about things the hard way.


04-15-2007, 04:54 PM
Gameplay check should be now. But basic lighting too. You can't try the gameplay in a blend map, if you're going to have darker areas later on it'll change everything.

1) Planning
2) Functional rough layout (That includes every corner/hiding spot/gameplay changing areas like water/etc you want to see in the map)
3) Setting the atmosphere
4) Gameplay tests
5) (ONLY once those are completed) Detailing the map.
6) Bug fixes

At least that's how we do it at work :)

04-15-2007, 05:19 PM
I've had a hard time figuring out when to optimize the map (specifically, having a tight skybox... no leaks between soon-to-be portals). My map is a disaster right now... hitting a road block at the moment sort of.

04-15-2007, 07:04 PM
To each his own basically regarding methods. I don't follow conventional map building formats.


Sly Assassin
04-15-2007, 08:37 PM
I build the layout, chuck in the major things like buildings, walls, lighting etc, then chuck in hints, occluders and areaportals and then get into gameplay testing and then detailing etc.

04-15-2007, 10:56 PM
I've had a hard time figuring out when to optimize the map (specifically, having a tight skybox... no leaks between soon-to-be portals). My map is a disaster right now... hitting a road block at the moment sort of.

Well I at least like to keep the map optimized right from the start. Putting area portals in every doorway and window as fast as I've opened up these, and try to always have a pretty good fps in every step of the mapping process. This also seem to reduce the compile time quite alot.

04-16-2007, 10:59 AM
Pretty much the same here.

Build the layout in dev textures the good old orange for buildings and grey for floors making as many brushes as possible func_detail

Open up any buildings and optomise them with area_portals in all open doors and windows and add lights to buildings that can be accessed.

At this point you can check the balance of the map.........time to flags etc.

Then I optomise the outside area with area_portals, hints and bring the skybox in as tight as possible.................this can always be adapted as you progress through the map so long as you have a good understanding of how area_portals work and can use the pointfile to fix any leaks that may occur as you adapt the skybox, or change world brushes to func_detail or displace world brushes.

Once you are happy with the initial fps and compile time then I start to texture and add models, ensuring the fade distance of each model is set as I place them in the map. I find the best way for me is to texture a building at a time by first selecting every brush and texturing it no draw and then texturing the faces you will see with the desired texture.

04-16-2007, 12:00 PM
im pretty random. but I usually save the stressful stuff for the end (vis, fade distances, clipping, ect)

04-16-2007, 05:35 PM
i dont think the order is that important as long as you keep everything in consideration... you will want to get the main layout done early on and test some gameplay before you waste too much time detailing and stuff.

04-16-2007, 06:38 PM
Thank you all!

Your individual build orders and techniques will help me so much. If any of your think you have anything else to add please do.

Sly Assassin
04-16-2007, 06:44 PM
Yes one other thing, TAKE YOUR TIME! Never rush a map, otherwise it's really going to be prone to having alot of errors you don't want.

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