Custom Hedgerow models?
Sly Assassin
04-14-2007, 02:29 AM
Hi fellas,
Does anyone here know of some decent looking Custom Hedgerow models that have been made?
Why am I after these for? Well the Dod hedge models are just that a hedge and not really a hedgerow model.
I'm looking for something thats bushy, large (128 units or higher) and long (256-512 unit long). Though I would take smaller etc etc.
If anyone knows of some I'd love to know about them, or alternatively or anyone can make some that would be great ;)
04-14-2007, 02:52 AM
Well, you might want to try happyernst's outdoor pack. It's in the released models section. :)
Sly Assassin
04-14-2007, 12:19 PM
I've already got those, while its a nice model, it's not quite what I'm after. It needs to big thicker for a start and abit higher
thanks for the help anyway
04-14-2007, 06:20 PM
have you some photos from which you mean
Sly Assassin
04-14-2007, 06:51 PM
I'm after hedgerows like the ones used by the HaJ team, pictured below in the screenshots
They're nice and bushy, high and non see through, I don't want players to see other players through the model to give them the feeling of not knowing whats behind the hedgerow etc.
I can't direct link to the screenshots, look at the maps haj_gold and haj_radar
04-14-2007, 09:05 PM
I made these for a map I'll never finish a few months ago, they use stock dod:s textures grouped into one vtf with a few hue/saturation changes, and they're all well over 128 units high (besides a smaller one low enough to jump over), and a lot more natural/overgrown than the topiaried stock ones. They're not completely finished but if they'd be any use I can try and fix them and release them here.

04-14-2007, 11:42 PM
If you like Happy's models but they are not the right size, simply:
1. Email that nice dude and ask for a different scale (like i did wink ;)
2. Decompile the model, open your basic modeling software, rescale, recompile. No texture editing needed, just plug in your scaling factors.
04-15-2007, 12:08 AM
but if they'd be any use I can try and fix them and release them here.
I would like to see them....I have a map using hedges all over the place.
Sly Assassin
04-15-2007, 12:32 AM
I made these for a map I'll never finish a few months ago, they use stock dod:s textures grouped into one vtf with a few hue/saturation changes, and they're all well over 128 units high (besides a smaller one low enough to jump over), and a lot more natural/overgrown than the topiaried stock ones. They're not completely finished but if they'd be any use I can try and fix them and release them here.
oooooh they look exactly like what I envisioned :) I love them, if you are able to fix/finish them and release them to the general public I'd give you sexual favours :)
@WT - I still don't know how to model yet Patrick :p and besides the models you're talking about still aren't quite right even if scaled up ;)
04-16-2007, 01:18 AM
Those models look great. If you finish them, I would sure like to use them.
Sly Assassin
04-18-2007, 02:09 AM
bump, any movement on these at all TheSurgeon?
04-18-2007, 02:49 AM
An alpha version would be great, so we better can layout our maps and give a first hand impression.
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