HEEEEELP map doesn't launch anymore!!!!
04-05-2007, 10:27 AM
know this is just tooooo unfair!!!!!!
just about to finish my map dod_tarmac and for some reason when launching it stops at "inizialiasing game data" and exits dod source with the message: "HL2 error blabla!!!!"
help me pleeeeeeeeeease! there is no bugs in the map (when "check problem is done in hammer" it all fine,
on compile there is no problem as well (one or 2 degenrated fae almost)
it worked fine yesterday but today even on fast compile or just bsp each time I compile it runs into a error when trying to play the map....
heeeeeeeeeeelp I'm getting crazy so close to releasing the map!!!!
04-05-2007, 10:45 AM
Well first of all get rid of the degenerate faces, they are a "Nono" in all cases and could even cause the map not to launch. In addition, post your compile log, probably you've missed something out.
Cheers :)
Dustin Diamond
04-05-2007, 03:12 PM
restart your computer. Then defragment the game cache files via the properties for DOD in the games list
otF yetihw
04-05-2007, 05:38 PM
Degenerate faces don't really make any difference you can safely leave this error. What we really need is the specific error that HL2 gave you, preferably word for word, and a post of your compile log, before we can give you any useful help.
04-06-2007, 01:50 AM
ok guys I'll send you the screenshot of what it says at the exact point when it crashes and the log of hammer on commpiling
restart computer and defrag game cash doesn't work. deleting clientregister.blob in steam doesn't work neither...
04-06-2007, 01:07 PM
here's the log of the compile if you find out any thing let me know I really don't know what to do
the "very full" data of entity is not responsable because it worked perfectly well with it
I rely on you all outhere....
04-10-2007, 07:08 AM
steam and dod s are very weird softwares I must say loool
have reinstalled dod source and source sdk for hammer...
know until yesterday evening I still couldn't use the "create server" buttons within dod s to launch the map just compiled but it worked if I launched the game from hammer directly after compiling....
and one hour later, when doing that it refused to launch by hammer saying :server not responding droping player" but then using the "create server" button works looooooool
what the hell is going mad in this????
well anyway know it works that way.. quickly finishing my map until it gives me another bug!!!
anybody ran into this king of "dod s spirit haunting" feature???? :D
04-10-2007, 08:53 AM
I think that having hammer and Source running at the same time can put too much load on your CPU forcing one or other to drop.
Unless you've got a pretty robust system, it's probably best to run one at a time.
04-10-2007, 09:18 AM
well I think a 2*3.6 Intel XEON HyperTreading with 1gb DDR2 should be mooore than necessary to run both softwares...?? no?
huum... anyway thanks for the try... lol
04-10-2007, 10:29 AM
The Interlopers error listing flags up these two things:
* Can't load skybox file some_texture to build the default cubemap!
* zero area child patch
Could be worth looking into.
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