[WIP]Bakelite on Soul_Slayer's MP40

03-21-2007, 07:10 PM

Need crits on the pattern, brightness, anything that may conflict with realism. Also, can someone tell me if bakelite had a distinct texture, like one that'd be distinguishable through a normal?

Edit: Got some ingames.


Realized I have to add it to some other places now, I'll get to work on those soon.

Edit 2: Heh heh, just realized that Wile and I are having weird patterns here. I released my Tiger, then he did his with Zimmerit suggestions in my thread, and now he did his MP40 and I'm doing this based on some wants from his thread.

Wile E Coyote
03-21-2007, 09:38 PM
Also, can someone tell me if bakelite had a distinct texture, like one that'd be distinguishable through a normal?Bakelite was basically the early forunner of "plastic", although it was not plastic in a real sense. It was however poured into molds and was heat and eletricity resistant. The only texture it would have it was one you purposely gave it; otherwise it was completely smooth.

Al believe me plenty of people prefer the Slayer model, it's nice to see a different skin for it.

03-22-2007, 10:54 AM
Bakelite was basically the early forunner of "plastic", although it was not plastic in a real sense. It was however poured into molds and was heat and eletricity resistant. The only texture it would have it was one you purposely gave it; otherwise it was completely smooth.

Al believe me plenty of people prefer the Slayer model, it's nice to see a different skin for it.

Thanks for the info. I guess I'll leave it smooth without a normal, don't wanna ruin it. I guess all that's left is filling in little bits and then doing the phong.

04-08-2007, 09:07 PM
Looks spiffy but the viewer is a little dark. Looks like bakelite to me though. Could use a slight hue change, a little more purple (like barely therely)

Like that I guess. Bakelite also gets very brittle after a while you you could do a clean bakelite and one with chips/cracks in it if you want a more interesting normal map.

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