Breadth First vs Depth First Searching in Hammer

Dustin Diamond
03-13-2007, 01:50 PM
Can Valve please implement Depth-First Searching (DFS) in the Model Browser instead of Breadth-First Searching (BFS)? If I add just one subfolder for my models, it takes 8 years for the model browser to check every other folder at a higher depth before it gets to my subfolder. It wouldn't be so bad, except that it does it EVERY time the model browser is opened. DFS instead of BFS would solve this problem, and seems more natural to me anyway. Subfolders are used to group similar items, so why not search them first before moving on to unrelated stuff first.

Concurrent to my search order request, maybe Hammer could catalog the model list the first time you open the Model Browser, and then add a refresh button if we want to update the list (just like the Server List ingame), rather than researching/updating the list EVERY single time. It's an incredible waste of time to wait for the models to show up.

Not sure any devs will read this, but just in case, please think about it! And pass it on if you know a SDK dev person.

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, check out this handy illustration: (notice in the DFS version, the star is completed BEFORE moving on. this would be like the subfolder hierarchy)
Or for a more detailed explanation:

03-13-2007, 10:17 PM
I think you're onto something. Though I doubt Valve would change from BFS to DFS, you could just make more 'root' folders. But I think that the Hammer model viewer should remember the old files it has found, and update/search for any changes while you are browsing instead of refreshing it every time..

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