03-12-2007, 06:16 AM
A quick question again (ok so there are a few questions :P). There are lots of great guides for the actual technical side of mapping, i was wondering when you guys design a map, do you do so with a particular number of players per team in mind, or not? Thinking of a certain style of gameplay that the map design will encourage?
I think it is quite important, as there is, i think, quite a difference in playing on a 20 player and a 32 player server. To have a great playing experience on both, all other factors being equal, requires an appropriately sized/designed map, impo.
That being said, who do you build your map for?
Is it primarily for yourself and your ideas you would like to share?
Is it something you want to get perfect and for everyone?
Do you build for 32 player servers because they can be the most 'popular'?
Do you build for smaller server setups?
Do you compomise a thing of beauty or gameplay..which takes precedent...do some mappers focus on the look above the feel and vica verca..
Do you think of two designs.. one for 32 player and one for 20 players?
Do Server Admins even care? (i would hope so!)
Will SA's upload maps appropriately to servers?
I know i would.. i would LOVE to see some maps rejigged for 20 player servers, that atm on a 20 man are too big, and visa verca, maps on 32 player that arent quite big enough atm, made bigger.
If anyone has other ideas about the 'idea' or 'philosophy' behind map making, please do share. Obviously im a total noob in regards to mapping, other than the fact that i love keeping up with what all ye great mappers are producing. More than most things, i reckon the concept and pre planning behind a map is vital... over the course of a map build which i guess can take months... how true do you stay with your orginal idea behind the map? Do you think it matters if you do or dont?
Cheers fer yer thoughts.
edit - i want to add in a few recent quotes from some of ye, which i think add to this discussion..
my comments were on the size of the maps, not that they are league maps actually.
The most popular maps seem to all be about the same size as the standards and as someone that wanders around various pub servers a lot, the most full 32 man servers always seem to be on Donner/Argentan/Avalance/Solerno/Anzio etc., all of about the same size and "breed" of map.
There will always be a few servers that successfully run customs because they have a large clan or group that only plays on that one server but the standards and a few small customs rule the rest of the busy ones.
Yes, the league maps make the top 10 custom for a couple of weeks because of the number of clan players . The map for each week is mandatory. That doesn't mean its a clan's favourite or that pub players will like it. It just means that particular map is the match map and the teams are faithfully practicing... for that week.
The recent CAL maps are reworkings of 1.3 standards:
Coire, the railroads, anzio, donner, thunder, insecurity(cr44 adaptation) and solitude with argentan, anvil and stug being the only "breakout" maps.
These are all good for 6v6 play but pub servers are usually 20-32 man. Larger maps that support something beyond 2 heavies going one side and rifles going long are interesting and appreciated for the general DODS community.
The question still remains whether custom maps are not getting the play time because of inefficient advertisement and distribution or a true lack of interest.
Just my 1 cents.
This is somewhere I feel I can offer a valid opinion to the server ops and mappers on these forums.
Most of the maps in the top ten custom list each week will be competitve maps, every single week. There are a lot more competitive players out there then people realize and these same players also frequent pub servers and other communities and end up requesting the maps you'll see on that top ten list week in and week out.
Watch the CAL rotation this season and you'll see maps like coire, anvil2, lennon, thunder, salerno and rails all make their stay at number one for a week.
Pub players and league players generally all like the same kind of maps, they want to get into the action quickly and start looking for people to kill. This is a topic I've discussed with many a mapper privately in the community as I've had the chance to work with them here and there and something that needs to be discussed in the open.
As much as I love seeing some of the amazing creations by some of you, you're going to end up making a beautiful map that will never be played or popular if you continue to make them so big. Please look over all the top maps and notice that even the popular stocks all share the same thing with the popular customs, people want smaller maps with limited jogging around the map.
Many mappers snub the league players that ask for help getting more league maps made but the proof is in the stats, league maps are popular because pub players actually enjoy the maps for the same reasons.
Please try and curb your desire to make the next huge masterpiece and work on a smaller scale if you want your map to be a popular choice.
I don't think mappers should be forced to compromise their maps just because people can't wait for something to download or can't even be bothered to go to a site and download it themselves.
I think it is quite important, as there is, i think, quite a difference in playing on a 20 player and a 32 player server. To have a great playing experience on both, all other factors being equal, requires an appropriately sized/designed map, impo.
That being said, who do you build your map for?
Is it primarily for yourself and your ideas you would like to share?
Is it something you want to get perfect and for everyone?
Do you build for 32 player servers because they can be the most 'popular'?
Do you build for smaller server setups?
Do you compomise a thing of beauty or gameplay..which takes precedent...do some mappers focus on the look above the feel and vica verca..
Do you think of two designs.. one for 32 player and one for 20 players?
Do Server Admins even care? (i would hope so!)
Will SA's upload maps appropriately to servers?
I know i would.. i would LOVE to see some maps rejigged for 20 player servers, that atm on a 20 man are too big, and visa verca, maps on 32 player that arent quite big enough atm, made bigger.
If anyone has other ideas about the 'idea' or 'philosophy' behind map making, please do share. Obviously im a total noob in regards to mapping, other than the fact that i love keeping up with what all ye great mappers are producing. More than most things, i reckon the concept and pre planning behind a map is vital... over the course of a map build which i guess can take months... how true do you stay with your orginal idea behind the map? Do you think it matters if you do or dont?
Cheers fer yer thoughts.
edit - i want to add in a few recent quotes from some of ye, which i think add to this discussion..
my comments were on the size of the maps, not that they are league maps actually.
The most popular maps seem to all be about the same size as the standards and as someone that wanders around various pub servers a lot, the most full 32 man servers always seem to be on Donner/Argentan/Avalance/Solerno/Anzio etc., all of about the same size and "breed" of map.
There will always be a few servers that successfully run customs because they have a large clan or group that only plays on that one server but the standards and a few small customs rule the rest of the busy ones.
Yes, the league maps make the top 10 custom for a couple of weeks because of the number of clan players . The map for each week is mandatory. That doesn't mean its a clan's favourite or that pub players will like it. It just means that particular map is the match map and the teams are faithfully practicing... for that week.
The recent CAL maps are reworkings of 1.3 standards:
Coire, the railroads, anzio, donner, thunder, insecurity(cr44 adaptation) and solitude with argentan, anvil and stug being the only "breakout" maps.
These are all good for 6v6 play but pub servers are usually 20-32 man. Larger maps that support something beyond 2 heavies going one side and rifles going long are interesting and appreciated for the general DODS community.
The question still remains whether custom maps are not getting the play time because of inefficient advertisement and distribution or a true lack of interest.
Just my 1 cents.
This is somewhere I feel I can offer a valid opinion to the server ops and mappers on these forums.
Most of the maps in the top ten custom list each week will be competitve maps, every single week. There are a lot more competitive players out there then people realize and these same players also frequent pub servers and other communities and end up requesting the maps you'll see on that top ten list week in and week out.
Watch the CAL rotation this season and you'll see maps like coire, anvil2, lennon, thunder, salerno and rails all make their stay at number one for a week.
Pub players and league players generally all like the same kind of maps, they want to get into the action quickly and start looking for people to kill. This is a topic I've discussed with many a mapper privately in the community as I've had the chance to work with them here and there and something that needs to be discussed in the open.
As much as I love seeing some of the amazing creations by some of you, you're going to end up making a beautiful map that will never be played or popular if you continue to make them so big. Please look over all the top maps and notice that even the popular stocks all share the same thing with the popular customs, people want smaller maps with limited jogging around the map.
Many mappers snub the league players that ask for help getting more league maps made but the proof is in the stats, league maps are popular because pub players actually enjoy the maps for the same reasons.
Please try and curb your desire to make the next huge masterpiece and work on a smaller scale if you want your map to be a popular choice.
I don't think mappers should be forced to compromise their maps just because people can't wait for something to download or can't even be bothered to go to a site and download it themselves.