Warning Cluster portals saw into cluster

03-08-2007, 09:35 AM

I receive this compilation warning in vvis

"Cluster portals saw into cluster"

How can I find where the error is ??


Dustin Diamond
03-08-2007, 10:07 AM
this is the most annoying error ever, and usually isn't harmful. Nonetheless, you should try to get rid of it if you can.

Try this useful resource for decoding errors:

This is copied from that page about your error:
(I think) vbsp.exe has made a concave leaf (or in other ways invalid) that can see into itself. I've also heard about this being caused by overlapping brushes or brushes that are off-grid (thuss causing offgrid visleafs). Allthough i find this unlikely, I am not sure if it isn't, so keep those possibilities open too.

The solution is to simplify your leafs (func_detail) as much as possible to avoid this error, but usually (or sometimes) you will find no bad things come from it and your map runs as it should. If you got unexpected low FPS somewhere, this may be the cause. Finding it may be hard, and usually ends up in using cordon tools or just not doing it at all. First look at complicated parts of your map, try to use glview glview to find it.

03-08-2007, 11:38 PM
Sounds to me like: screw it.

03-09-2007, 12:30 AM
I've seen that error appear with func_detail brushes on Dijon, which undermines even more the possible effect on FPS. Indeed, don't worry about them (unless you start having bad fps drops, or are having 100+ of these warnings, in which case they would probably indicate your brush skills are sub par)

otF yetihw
03-09-2007, 05:29 PM
In my experience this error tends to increase compile times but has no effect on the final in-game product. The way to stop it from showing up is to turn complex brushwork into func_detail.

03-10-2007, 12:33 AM
Bad vertex manipulation skills are usually the culprit here. Just do as advised and turn complex CSG into func_detail.

You can usually narrow down the problem to the specific brush by using a divide and conquer method. Cover half your map with a HUGE nodraw brush. If it still shows up, then try covering the other half of your map with a nodraw brush. Then just keep cutting the nodraw brush in half (many several times) until you narrow down the error. It'll go quicker than you think once you cut the brush in half a dozen times or so.

Dustin Diamond
03-10-2007, 12:44 AM
learn to use the cordon tool to only compile certain parts of your map. It's really useful when you just want to test and run through a small portion of the entire map.

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