A question about sprites alpha-blending

05-31-2003, 03:04 AM

I'd like to know how the non-alphablended sprites have been made for DoD. Did they use some technique to make it non-blended, wich is deafult at HL engine.

Or did they possibly code the sprite system so that it won't blend.
Thanks for your answers.


05-31-2003, 03:56 AM
if by blending do you mean making transparent areas on the sprite? if so this (http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?doc=1043360861-70912800) might help:

EDIT: welcome to the forums :D

05-31-2003, 07:27 AM
Thank you for your reply but that wasn't my problem directly.

I know the methods of compiling the sprite, but I want to know if DoD has hardcoded own spritesystem wich allows sprites to be non-alphablending ( meaning it is fully solid, no transparency at all ). Or can it be achieved in some way for example: using different sprite layers :eek:


05-31-2003, 11:37 AM
Compile a sprite with SpriteWizard and select "Normal" :cool:

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