Moral Issues

02-25-2007, 10:02 PM
I've made a map and its based off another map for another game. I was wondering if their are any moral issues for putting any type of name/clan logo on the map. I've kept the map name the same.


02-25-2007, 10:10 PM
I, as a player, wouldn't mind a simple decal on the back/inside of spawn, but if it's plastered all over the map or visible in the sky or something, it would really bring down the value.

02-25-2007, 10:59 PM
Not moral issues, but perhaps copyright issues (that no-one would really care about anyway, unless it's someone who can afford to get all pissy about it, in which case they'd have the money to sue for money they don't need) ala Mecrappica vs. Napster.

02-25-2007, 11:38 PM
Morals are trash. But why do you want to plaster your a name through map that isn't yours anyway?

02-26-2007, 11:06 AM
It would be pretty lame if I plastered it everywhere. I however only wanted to put it in the spawns. I appreciate everyones views on it though.


02-26-2007, 11:10 AM
I don't think choosing to place ads in your map is a moral issue at all. Its a matter of how much you want people to play your map. The more "ads" you put in such a map, the less likely people are going to want to play it and the less likely servers admins will want to host it.

02-26-2007, 11:45 AM
Why don't you make a decal to look like a WWII poster or something, instead of having something in spawn. Putting a clan decal in a map that goes public is kinda cheesy. Not morally wrong, just cheesy.

In addition to this, when running a server, I don't want people going to another server due to an in map ad. I probably wouldn't host a map either that has an add for such a thing.

Put your server IP in your sig in this forum, and any other forums that you can in your map release thread if you want people to check out your map and clan.

El Capitan
02-26-2007, 12:43 PM
Xerent used to put propaganda style posters in his maps, like what Formologic is on about in the post works well and doesn't intrude on the visuals.

As for the copyright issues, it may be worth crediting the original map/game in the credits (eg. this is a recreation of the awesome wolfenstein map, blah blah) or similar. That way you are doing them a favour as well by promoting their game a bit too, I guess!

02-26-2007, 12:57 PM
I've made a map and its based off another map for another game. I was wondering if their are any moral issues for putting any type of name/clan logo on the map. I've kept the map name the same.


Which map is it billy? I redid dust for SLDL league and pult SLDL League Map decals in the spawn and some noob reskinner at fpsbanana jumped allover me for it, mainly for redoing the map. He said valve was going to sue me, but I haven't heard from them yet lol.

02-26-2007, 02:15 PM
and some noob reskinner at fpsbanana jumped allover me for it, mainly for redoing the map. He said valve was going to sue me, but I haven't heard from them yet lol.No offense to the Steam Forums, because moderating that site must be one hell of a task, but FPSB must have the same clients that the steam forums have, 15 yr. old "OMFG H4X0RS 1337z0rs $K1N, I'm PWNING NUBS/n00bs and I WILL PWN WITH TH3$3" kids who have absolutely no knowledge of real life.

02-26-2007, 02:43 PM
Which map is it billy? I redid dust for SLDL league and pult SLDL League Map decals in the spawn and some noob reskinner at fpsbanana jumped allover me for it, mainly for redoing the map. He said valve was going to sue me, but I haven't heard from them yet lol.

lol....What a momo.

02-26-2007, 02:50 PM
No offense to the Steam Forums, because moderating that site must be one hell of a task, but FPSB must have the same clients that the steam forums have, 15 yr. old "OMFG H4X0RS 1337z0rs $K1N, I'm PWNING NUBS/n00bs and I WILL PWN WITH TH3$3" kids who have absolutely no knowledge of real life.

Well what was really funny is I put right in the map description:

"de_dust2 belongs to valve and I take no credit for any of this map."

I mean if I was saying it was my map or trying to sell it or something I could see some issue.

I don't see anything wrong with a tasteful decal in a map as long as it's subtle and pertinent to the map itself. Big brushwork on a wall spelling some guys name, that I can do without. Infact the size of the brushwork is inversely proportional to the mappers intelligence :D

02-26-2007, 03:19 PM
I say put your clan logo in a discreet fashion, if possible and don't listen to what anyone says. Just place it somewhere where it's not distracting (like in orange maps) and no one will lift a finger against you.

02-26-2007, 08:54 PM
Morals are trash. But why do you want to plaster your a name through map that isn't yours anyway?

sorry for going off subject, but that is such a stupid thing to say. your first sentence i mean

02-27-2007, 01:11 AM
sorry for going off subject, but that is such a stupid thing to say. your first sentence i mean

You are at the whim of the politics of an imaginary value-based belief system. One could say that you were "programmed" for intellectual failure.

02-27-2007, 10:57 AM
ohh, one of those...

TBH mate, as long as it fits in and isn't conspicuous, no one's really going to worry!

Dustin Diamond
02-27-2007, 11:38 PM
make a secret room and plaster it full of whatever you want. I always love the challenge of finding those hidden rooms. Secret sliding walls, invisible barriers, etc. Make it complicated.

Wile E Coyote
03-01-2007, 07:21 PM
Which map is it billy? I redid dust for SLDL league and pult SLDL League Map decals in the spawn and some noob reskinner at fpsbanana jumped allover me for it, mainly for redoing the map. He said valve was going to sue me, but I haven't heard from them yet lol.LOL. I highlighted the entire problem there ;) Just another deluded fool harassing you, there seems to be many nowadays. I doubt Valve gives a hoot unless you try and make money off it.

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