DODSVU weapon preview
Wile E Coyote
02-19-2007, 12:17 PM
some people complain they can't see the weapons well enough in the movie preview. Fair enough :) Since I'm now officially in "wait" mode (meaning I'm waiting on materials from others), I thought I'd take an hour or so and toss this pic together.
*EDIT* I would also like to mention that these are not the absolute finals. Just looking at this picture I can now see for the first time a couple of skins, that when compared to all the others, have a couple things I'm going to tweak.
For the hi-res version CLICK HERE (
Trp. Jed
02-19-2007, 12:35 PM
Check your mail. Some of the missing materials are in transit.
02-19-2007, 01:27 PM
US .30 cal mg could use some wear and tear imo. Pretty awesome stuff though.
What exactly is DODSVU?
Dingleberry on Drugs Starts Violent Uproar?
Day of Defeat Super Victorious Update?
Dogs on Dumpsters Sleeping... okay im done. :p
02-19-2007, 01:58 PM
US .30 cal mg could use some wear and tear imo. Pretty awesome stuff though.
What exactly is DODSVU?
Dingleberry on Drugs Starts Violent Uproar?
Day of Defeat Super Victorious Update?
Dogs on Dumpsters Sleeping... okay im done. :p
DOD:S Visual Upgrade
02-19-2007, 02:06 PM
LOL...the MP40 on a milk carton. I can see the weapons fine though. ;)
Hey so where do I send the chocolate covered Macadamia Nuts to Wile? Gotta keep you feed on sugar to keep you cranking out more stuff...
02-19-2007, 04:05 PM
That's an excellent pack, Wile. Looks awesome.
Wile E Coyote
02-19-2007, 04:24 PM
To be honest, I always feel a bit uneasy taking credit for the weapons. The player skins are all full reskins. However, everything on this page except for the trench knife and broomhandled mauser are in reality just reskins of either the default or of someone else's skin (with permission). I think that as long as it's not illegal or theft, I'm more concerned with the end result than I am with being "true and pure" to the art form.
To me, the BIG selling point about this pack will be that it requires the same specs as DOD:S. If your computer can already run DOD:S - it can run this as well. It's a visual upgrade WITHOUT having to sacrifice performance. Textures are the default sizes and everything uses the default models. (exception being the US smoke grenade which is a custom, but the same number of polys as the default)
There will be an alternate option for hi-res versions of the player skins, the garand and k98 skins and 1 weapon model.
US .30 cal mg could use some wear and tear imoOh I won't completely disagree with you. There is the counter-arguement that not all weapons that hit the front have been in use for the same amounts fof time, but that's just being argumentative :) Reality is there is some point when you have to stop and just release it, or you will be working on it forever.
02-19-2007, 04:31 PM
They look really good, and lol at the MP40...
I'm eager for your release :<
02-19-2007, 04:45 PM
They look really good, and lol at the MP44...
I'm eager for your release :<
Don't you mean MP40?:p
Ginger Lord
02-19-2007, 04:46 PM
Got one without it going through a sharpen filter?
02-19-2007, 04:48 PM
I take it your going to credit valve and google for giving you alot of the work..... btw the player skins i wouldn't call them reskins. sure some parts are reskinned but unless you completely reskin the model its not. Would be nice if less photo's were used as well....
02-19-2007, 05:19 PM
btw the player skins i wouldn't call them reskins. sure some parts are reskinned but unless you completely reskin the model its not.
Some parts? (
02-19-2007, 05:22 PM
Don't you mean MP40?:p
Uh yeah, I was working in my MP44 signature and got confused lol... I think I should say STG44 from now on :p
02-19-2007, 05:23 PM
yeah do you notice he kept all the old base skin underneath, almost all wrinkles and main base are valve's.
02-19-2007, 05:43 PM
Ok ... before this goes any further. Wile has said many times that his releases are not full what's your point?
As for photos, the texture artists for CoD use photos as well and they're being paid.
So, again...what's your point?
Wile E Coyote
02-19-2007, 05:45 PM
Got one without it going through a sharpen filter?did you look at the hi-res one? Those are straight screenshots at 1024 x 768 res (except for cropping to fit the larger pic of course)
geesh! You guys all have A.D.D. I think :)
02-19-2007, 06:10 PM
Guyver almost every release he says its a reskin and i can quote him right now "The player skins are all full reskins.".... and photo's arent really talent... thats my point.
Wile E Coyote
02-19-2007, 06:16 PM
yeah do you notice he kept all the old base skin underneath, almost all wrinkles and main base are valve's.It is rare I lose my temper. It is not often some calls me a liar. And that's what you have done.
I have on thing to say to you: Stuff it.
yeah I follwed some of the same lines when I made my own version - stands to reason, doesn't it, since it is the same model, and since I have always been trying to make it look like a better version of the default. Oh so I suppose I copied everything all the shadows and lines for the normal map too? How the the heck you you think I did that? I know, magic! Here's a hint: I drew them myself. I think out of the ENTIRE player models, both of them, the ONLY thing I didn't redo or re-draw was the 45 holster on the allies model, which had more to do with oversight when I orignally made it than anything else. And anyways who friggin cares I label everything a reskin anyway.
I said they were full reskins - and that is EXACTLY what they are.
Credit Valve? Google? O you're a funny guy. A freakin riot. Think photoskinning is cheating? Think it's easier than drawing? Think everything you see is a straight copy from photos, that they all just magically line up and look perfect for ya? LOL you can't even tell me which parts are photos and which ones aren't if I had ever mentioned it in the first place. What the hell was the point you were trying to make anyway?
Allright, allright, you want to accuse me of lying? Fine. I'll apologize for anything above after you start putting out some good material yourself. In the meantime here is a quarter
Go call someone who cares.
credits for quarter photo:
google image search
SBC for the internet connection - used to obtain
Al Gore for inventing the internet - used to obtain
02-19-2007, 06:25 PM
Guyver almost every release he says its a reskin and i can quote him right now "The player skins are all full reskins.".... and photo's arent really talent... thats my point.
Trolls like you make me sick.
02-19-2007, 07:26 PM
Uh oh Wile, you forgot to credit the U.S. Mint. :pTrolls like you make me sick.Agreed.
and photo's arent really talent... thats my point.
You better email Infinity Ward and tell them they're all talentless plagiarist then, right?
02-19-2007, 07:56 PM
Wile you are a liar. If you look at the boots, they are clear copy that you used the EXACT shadows, not even traced. not to mention the highlight threads for the jacket has the EXACT opacity as the defaults. And guyver we all know you want to have baby's with wile.... i can tell you right now that the boots, the face are photo's due to the lighting. and i can tell which parts are photoskins, the shoe part of the boot, the face and most of the little tidbits. nice try ... you cant fool me, because i know for a fact you didnt trace the old shadows, you cant get the EXACT opacity, the EXACT weight. you overlayed your stuff right overtop of the default. complete reskins... pffft
02-19-2007, 08:01 PM
Wile you are a liar. If you look at the boots, they are clear copy that you used the EXACT shadows, not even traced. not to mention the highlight threads for the jacket has the EXACT opacity as the defaults. And guyver we all know you want to have baby's with wile.... i can tell you right now that the boots, the face are photo's due to the lighting. and i can tell which parts are photoskins, the shoe part of the boot, the face and most of the little tidbits. nice try ... you cant fool me, because i know for a fact you didnt trace the old shadows, you cant get the EXACT opacity, the EXACT weight. you overlayed your stuff right overtop of the default. complete reskins... pffft
May I ask why you even made a deal about whether it is a reskin or not? Are you that anal-retentive about a term?
Wile is generous enough to even share his work with other members... quality ones at that. The fact that you're criticizing about what his content should be called is sad.
Guyver almost every release he says its a reskin and i can quote him right now "The player skins are all full reskins.".... and photo's arent really talent... thats my point.How does this contribute to this thread? Semantic argument? Wile did a nice job, and a full reskin regardless of the origin of his source materials.
My warning in your inbox goes for all of your posts previous to this one in this thread.
Wile - you've got a fan. ;)
I'll share something I've learned moderating a few large forums - people rarely post things like the above unless you are doing something worthwhile.
02-19-2007, 08:30 PM
Wile you are a liar. If you look at the boots, they are clear copy that you used the EXACT shadows, not even traced. not to mention the highlight threads for the jacket has the EXACT opacity as the defaults. And guyver we all know you want to have baby's with wile.... i can tell you right now that the boots, the face are photo's due to the lighting. and i can tell which parts are photoskins, the shoe part of the boot, the face and most of the little tidbits. nice try ... you cant fool me, because i know for a fact you didnt trace the old shadows, you cant get the EXACT opacity, the EXACT weight. you overlayed your stuff right overtop of the default. complete reskins... pffft
And the point I tried to make that you failed to aknowledge (actually twice, this will be the third) was that even GAME MAKING COMPANIES USE PHOTOS FOR WEAPON SKINS.
Why aren't you emailing game makers and calling them talentless hacks? I don't see you doing that...why not? They get paid for using photos and you're calling Wile out because he uses photos in stuff that he releases for free? Sound arguement there. :rolleyes:
Ok, let's move along now . . .
Wile E Coyote
02-19-2007, 08:47 PM
Wile blah blah blah..............
“It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.” - Mark Twain
Alright, I've grown weary of elitest types who only know how to harass people and never contribute anything themselves. So you think "cracked the case", eh? Once again, fact trumps theory every time.
here below we have the original PSD file For the axis. This was the first skin I did for DOD:S The new skin PSD's are much more complex, however this one is the relavant one. Oh the left we have the default skin. In the middle, we have the reskin as it is seen today. On the right we have the ORIGINAL reskin, which everyone said was too brown / bright (look it up, it's in these forums).
Soooooo.... I purposely adjusted the boot skin to be the same level as the default so everyone would be happy. Except elitests obviously. Oh yeah, BTW, that was hand-drawn. Pics were used for reference in this instance. It took me a long time.
I could go on and on, I could even post the reference pics and forge a gold medal for your sleuthing abilities, but too much bandwidth has been wasted on you already.
Ouch! That's gotta HURT!
(I apologize Moe, you posted while I was writing this. I did feel the need to publicly defend myself and my work, I hope you understand)
Ok, I can see that - but truly let's move along.
02-19-2007, 09:13 PM
i like the carbine the best. finally something non-splinter i get to use. :cool:
Wile E Coyote
02-19-2007, 09:15 PM
i like the carbine the best. finally something non-splinter i get to use. :cool:thank Mr Brutal for that one! It's really good.
02-19-2007, 10:09 PM
Yaaaaay two high rez bazookas! Christmas came early this year!
Thanks Wile, can't wait till release.
02-19-2007, 10:10 PM
Brutal done an excellent job on the carbine, i really like the world model for it, although I find it the best skin for it around, there are still things about it i don't like, (i think it's a bit dark, but I do use the yellow-wood version) I think perhaps the metal is a little too dark, almost black. and the wood doesn't have much woodgrain to it, but it's still a great skin. brutal ftw.
02-19-2007, 11:35 PM
Yeah awesome reskins, great imagination man... ;)
02-20-2007, 12:40 AM
looks like a nice pack! good choice on the skins, if i may say so. unfortunately, i have most of those already installed ;)
02-20-2007, 12:56 AM
Yaaaaay two high rez bazookas!
Actually, the bazooka and panzershrek textures for the v model are both the default resolution (not trying to burst your bubble, just don't want you to be dissappointed).
The only skins that will be of a higher resolution (2048x2048) than the default will be the player skins, the Garand & the K98.
Although, there will be standard sizes of those three skins in the pack to use if you want to keep all of the skins the standard size (which is 102x1024 for everything except the trench knife with is 512x1024).
02-20-2007, 10:50 AM
Actually, the bazooka and panzershrek textures for the v model are both the default resolution (not trying to burst your bubble, just don't want you to be dissappointed).
The only skins that will be of a higher resolution (2048x2048) than the default will be the player skins, the Garand & the K98.
Although, there will be standard sizes of those three skins in the pack to use if you want to keep all of the skins the standard size (which is 102x1024 for everything except the trench knife with is 512x1024).
This is one of those times when you need to just smile and nod and say 'Yes, Lappy, aren't they beautiful?' instead of smashing my world to pieces.
02-20-2007, 10:52 AM
This is right up my alley. I do like custom content but I hate downloading each skin individually. This pack will work well for me I think.
02-20-2007, 11:37 AM
You're going to hold that darned MP40 back until the last minute aren't you Coyote? You cruel, sadistic maniac, tormenting us in this way...
Anyway, absolutely spiffing work all round. I'm particularly looking forward to test driving that BAR (although I thought you were going to be something with Twinke Masta's BAR).
02-20-2007, 12:15 PM
THIS IS AWESOME, there are two things i disagree with is the m1 carbine as in my opinion ur version is far more realistic and nicer also in my opinion soul slayers bar seems more realistic. But excellent job btw ur evil for hiding the mp40 from us.
Great Job dude
02-20-2007, 12:58 PM
You're going to hold that darned MP40 back until the last minute aren't you Coyote? You cruel, sadistic maniac, tormenting us in this way...
Anyway, absolutely spiffing work all round. I'm particularly looking forward to test driving that BAR (although I thought you were going to be something with Twinke Masta's BAR).
yea i also recall him saying he was gonna do something to that one, i still think thats a really good bar skin. any word on this wile?
02-20-2007, 03:21 PM
While Soul_Slayer/Twinke's BAR is great, the w model for it alone (and it shocked me when Wile told me this) is 4,500 polies. The default BAR w model is like 600. Also, the lighting on Twinke's skin is skinned on. It would also need a new normal and exponent map.
...and he's holding back on the MP40 because I've aked him to re-do it for so long. :p
02-21-2007, 07:02 AM
You know more than you're letting on Guyver! Tell us, or we'll take your pets hostage until you do!
I'm not sure I like the STG 44, the color looks odd(unless you were going for that) for something that was produced later, Just saying, the rest look good, nice job.
02-21-2007, 09:36 AM
Wile my man, ignore the hatas. As a guy who used to do reskins all the time, your stuff is incredible, and you do way more work than most of the skinners I've seen pass through these boards over the years, at a much higher quality. Keep it up.
02-21-2007, 01:42 PM
I'm not sure I like the STG 44, the color looks odd(unless you were going for that) for something that was produced later, Just saying, the rest look good, nice job.It's looks pretty good in-game, trust me.
As Wile said though, he's still tweaking stuff.
EDIT: The metal is based on this picture:
Dr. Crawford
02-21-2007, 02:34 PM
the p38 looks odd but the rest is good
02-21-2007, 05:40 PM
the p38 looks odd
More specific?
02-21-2007, 05:56 PM
This looks awesome!
02-21-2007, 06:18 PM
Definitely one of the most-anticipated releases of the year!
I was hoping the Garand would be re-done to be made closer to the default Garand with the reddish wood, and the Springfield Armory markings, but oh well.
Keep up the good work Wile!
02-21-2007, 06:37 PM
Definitely one of the most-anticipated releases of the year!
I was hoping the Garand would be re-done to be made closer to the default Garand with the reddish wood, and the Springfield Armory markings, but oh well.
Keep up the good work Wile!
lol..funny you should say that because Eskwaad did do two versions, the one pictured...which has the lighter wood with darker metal...and a another one which has darker (kinda reddish) wood with lighter metal.
02-21-2007, 06:53 PM
Yep, I remember eSkwaad's skin. It's a shame I replaced it without backing it up on my hard-drive. I'm not a big fan of the Winchester markings, but meh... It's an awesome skin.
Dr. Crawford
02-21-2007, 06:54 PM
the way its two tone-ish
02-21-2007, 06:58 PM
the way its two tone-ish I'm not seeing it doesn't look that way (two toneish) in-game.
I think it's just the phong.
Strong Bad
02-22-2007, 10:25 AM
Day of Defeat: Special Victim's Unit?
Epic win.
Dr. Crawford
02-22-2007, 10:28 AM
I'm not seeing it doesn't look that way (two toneish) in-game.
I think it's just the phong.
might be. thats what i was leaning towards when i opened the picture in PS and zoomed in a lot, but it still looks kind of off. ill take your word for it that it is fine in game
02-22-2007, 03:42 PM
Dogs on Dumpsters Sleeping... okay im done. :p
lmao, so that's what DoD:S means.
Nice job Wile!!
02-22-2007, 05:13 PM
:confused: I wonder where Wile is? He hasn't posted in nearly two days.
02-23-2007, 04:18 AM
Awesome! Great stuff Wile. Quality work in there, keep it up. Looking forward to this pack.
02-26-2007, 01:06 AM
Nice reskins.
lmao, so that's what DoD:S means.
Nice job Wile!!
He better be careful, you can be banned for making acronyms.
02-27-2007, 10:59 AM
:confused: I wonder where Wile is? He hasn't posted in nearly two days.
I can't find the thread, but didn't he warn us that his computer might die in the near future?
02-27-2007, 04:22 PM
He PM'ed me yesterday, seems he's been very busy.:)
Wile E Coyote
02-28-2007, 07:15 AM
I can't find the thread, but didn't he warn us that his computer might die in the near future?I thought it might, but a very helpful individual pointed me to replacing the motherboard battery, and I unplugged and reset all my IDE cables, which apparently solved my hardrive woes.
I was called up by the Army to do some work, and have been going at it non-stop for about 2 weeks now. That's the story.
And totally off-subject, somebody who thought they were slick and knew a couple of old-school tricks apparently got ahold of my IP address and (without going into much detail so as to not explain "how" to do it) attacked the only part of most home systems that is in front of any firewall; The DSL/Cable modem. Yeah, they hacked into it and and did something (I will not mention) to cause it to lose it's PPPoE communication with the rest of the system. Since I am already aware of this trick and know how to take the modem apart and reset it, it lasted all of 10 minutes. I really should put the modem back together though.
03-04-2007, 04:41 AM
unlucky man, any eta of the DODSVU
03-05-2007, 10:39 PM
unlucky man, any eta of the DODSVU
"March 2007"
03-07-2007, 02:55 PM
Hey I made a german nade about a year ago when I first started skinning. Maybe you want to use it? Its 100% custom. The wood atm is just a place holder till I make it for real.
03-08-2007, 08:52 PM
That is a beautiful nade DoD123.
Wile E, great work on the pack. Seriously. The .30 cal sound is godly, the Garand iron sights are beautiful and the player skins look like they should have been default to the game. I remember when we saw the first preview shots of DoD: Source and everyone's gripe was "they need more stuff". These skins have the stuff we wanted. With all that praise said, I'm aware that the included skins are probably ones that are already released (Private Joe?). I'm still praising them though :D
Excellent work and god speed on the release.
03-08-2007, 11:09 PM
Since Shorts brought up the 30 cal, don't forget Wile, it still needs a w model skin. ;)
03-21-2007, 09:52 PM
Well, since Unk asked about the BAR skin in Insane DoD's HUD topic, and to keep up interest in the pack, I thought I'd bump this and let everyone know that the pack is finished. It's with Insane right now getting packed into an installer.
I hope you don't mind me posting this, Wile.:)
03-22-2007, 01:47 AM
yay wonderful job guys ur wonderful thnx alot
03-22-2007, 10:31 AM
YAY this is like xmas eve where u cant sleep cus of the excitement! can some1 give me some sleeping tablets please :D
OFFTOPIC: i know theres a part of the forum for this but i cant really understand it all, anyway can some point me in the right direction on what programs 2 use to reskin, not model, player and weapon models? as im unemployed atm i need somat cheapish to buy if needed, just for personal/ with in my clan use! ive been inspired by your work wile and ive got so many ideas in my head lol!
Please help if you can!
03-22-2007, 02:02 PM
I think most people use Photoshop.
03-24-2007, 02:26 PM
Ok, since Kerberos asked about the 30cal, BAR & STG44, and the main picture is down, here they are. (These will be in the pack.)
Wile's 30cal:
DoD123/Forral BAR:
Dodss Kuggan/rascal STG44:

03-24-2007, 03:11 PM
Its acualy soul slayers and wiles 30 cal and the stg I would use rascals awsome skin he did awhile back. If you want I could edit rascals skin to to make it look war torn.
03-24-2007, 03:26 PM
Yeah, the model is Soul Slayer's, but I don't know if he'll include the model in the pack. It might just be a seperate download.
Wile E Coyote
03-26-2007, 06:43 AM
the stg I would use rascals awsome skin he did awhile back.I admit it's always a matter of opinion. I love some of Rascal's work, I am friends with him and have collaborated with him on many things, but my honest opinion is that he has done better. I used his wood texture but that's about it.
On a total side note, most of his BEST work has not been seen because it's in R&L and not DODS. He has really improved he techniques.
30 cal is a reskin of the default, because I really feel the default is accurate. I just added details and shaders. What you see above is SSlayer's model which as pointed out is an alternate install option - but is not necessary
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