Help compiling?

02-06-2007, 04:10 PM
I would like to ask for the assistance of many of the fine mappers around here.

For some reason I can't get my map to do a full compile. It takes my machine almost 8 hours to get to 8 on the vis compile, and I know that is waaaaay too long. I have a pretty decent rig, so I know that it is probably not that (but it could be). My specs are:

Intel 3.0 LGA 775 Single core processor
2gb Corsair XMS DDR400
Asus P5GDC-Deluxe w/ 915 chipset

All my software is up to date.

Would anyone be interested in aquiring the .vmf file and trying to do a full compile to see what fps that I actually could get?

@Fuzzdad - You mentioned that I need to cut the grass detail down, well, those screens are a tad old and I have removed the grass detail by using another texture.

This is the primary reason I don't have the motivation to finish the map. I have tried optimizing the crap out of it with the basic map building techniques. The only thing that I can think of was the use of carving for the doorways, but I made sure that everything is proper now. I don't know if that would still cause a problem or not.

I would be forever greatful to anyone intersted in looking at this. Furyo took a look at it a while ago, but that was before I tried a full compile. I apologize if I have left out any more needed info, and can provide any ASAP, as I check the board frequently.

02-06-2007, 04:28 PM
Optimize :) No one will get better results than your own rig

02-07-2007, 10:57 AM
I imagine your problem is the amount of unnecissary volume I bet you can lower the sky brushes in some places, as well as create some little walls coming down to rooftops to really block off visability. If you want me to take a look at your vmf and try to help you with that, and compiling, send me a pm with a link.

with twilight, merely fixing that a while ago made my compile times 5 times faster.

otF yetihw
02-07-2007, 12:29 PM
One (or two, kind of) word(s) only: func_detail

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