simple props...
01-25-2007, 05:31 PM
Okay so ive been rather bored lately and ive been having the urge to do some modeling more and more. The problem is I can never really come up with anything to work on. Im not too good of a modeler so I like to stick to the simple stuff. Map props mostly.
If anyone has any props they need that arent vehicles or something that will take me forever to get modeled, unwrapped and textured fire away. Im not making any promises but atleast when I get bored I can look to this thread and maybe work on something that people will find a use for.
Ive been planning on doing some elaborate wreckage and destroyed model sets to be used in bombed out buildings but the way I want to do it (with multiple skins per model) will probably take me forever to actually have it all done and looking good.
So if anyone has any suggestions lets hear it and ill see what I can do. ;)
edit: Mods - I put this in the mapping section because its really for the mappers but feel free to put it in the models section if you feel thats where it belongs.
01-25-2007, 06:42 PM
crashed plane? doesnt have to be fancy or high-poly since its wreckage.
Ol' Noodle Head
01-27-2007, 01:41 AM
New door and window/shutters/sill models.
New chimneys would be great too.
Don't forget wagons. We have 1 wagon in the official DoD kit, and Surgeon I believe made another one.
Make, like, FIVE new wagons for the community. Thank you. :cool:
01-27-2007, 05:17 AM
More artillery weapons would be sweet I think it would be good if people took already made models and developed upon them, perhaps extended the already made machineguns and making huge bipods for them, of course they couldn't be used.
And maybe when you want to start vehicles eventually, it'd be sweet to see a bike and sidecar
01-27-2007, 11:23 AM
railings for staircases...a different store front than the often seen "cafe et restaurant"
Ol' Noodle Head
01-27-2007, 02:54 PM
railings for staircases...a different store front than the often seen "cafe et restaurant"
Excellent idea. Reference easily accessible I'm sure.
Jules, I think he's looking for simpler geometric ideas, not so much vehicles and big guns and whatnot. Though more of those are needed too.
01-27-2007, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Ol' Noodle Head
Jules, I think he's looking for simpler geometric ideas, not so much vehicles and big guns and whatnot. Though more of those are needed too.
Yes exactly. Although I do have a kettenkrad thats about 3/4 modeled that I was working on awhile back. The rabbit from Saving Private Ryan. :cool:
Good stuff so far. I might take a crack at a store front or two when I get the time but I will need help with German and French so I dont put something stupid on them that makes no sense. :D
01-28-2007, 06:50 AM
How hard would it be to model deflated parachutes, so that it looked like at the Americans spawn, they had just landed? I mean they did it for the tnt crates.
I think making models that weren't only connected to the Army Combat units, I'm talking about models that represent medic equipment, and paratroopers and such, it would be cool to make it seem like there were more than just run and gun, perhaps medic tents/stretchers and so forth anyway just some ideas.
01-28-2007, 11:29 AM
More tree and hedge models?
Could there be a set of non-enterable house models for the 3D skybox?
And talking of houses, would anyone care to donate houses (both enterable and non-enterable) that other mappers could use in their maps? That would allow the less-proficient (or time-constrained) mappers to concentrate on terrain, layout, and fine detail...?
01-28-2007, 01:22 PM
Got to work on a storefront type model. I suppose it could be used for something else aswell.
Im not too sure if I like the diamond pattern, I think im gonna hold off until I have it skinned before I decide to get rid of it. If I do ill replace them with business signs instead. I just got done unwrapping it and my eyes are killing me so no skin today but hopefully sometime this week. The screenshot is from HLMV and it makes it look tiny but its a pretty big model. The inside is opened up so you can use whatever wallpaper you like. Best of all is that I didnt screw up the measurements. It snaps to hammer's grid perfectly. :D
Ol' Noodle Head
01-29-2007, 02:57 PM
New signs with different locations would be good.
01-30-2007, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Ol' Noodle Head
New signs with different locations would be good.
I could also make some basic map models, If you show images of things you want, I could make some. signs, wagons, etc...
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