obsession with bridges?
01-23-2007, 03:49 PM
I noticed that so many maps in DoD have bridges. i know bridges are very.. iconic. all of us probably can relate to some ww2 movie where somebody needed to hold a bridge. but just how many key battles took place on a bridge?
also, can anybody think of an .. "equivalent" for a bridge, whatever that may be? as in, is there another architectural feature that players crave and mappers adore, yet that feature manages to be more than aesthetic? (i.e. that it's a strategic point)
let me hear your thoughts!
01-23-2007, 04:17 PM
I think in the same vein churches are overused. I once thought it'd be funny to make a dod_churches map but I'm very lazy =p
01-23-2007, 04:19 PM
..and don't forget the always strategically important fountains !!!
A wrecked building, the stature of which one would see in dod_clervuex of old.
01-23-2007, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by ultranew_b
..and don't forget the always strategically important fountains !!!
lol "strategic fountains".. sounds like an oxymoron. i wish someone made a prop of a bigger fountain.
i just thought of another possible object worth obsessing about - a statue! why not? we have the horse statue, but some new ones would be nice. good for town squares i'd say.
and ouchtronx, is dod_clervuex a dod 1.3 map?
01-23-2007, 07:06 PM
Not only for custom maps, you can see how much the dev team likes it to, anzio, kalt, colmar all bridge maps.
01-23-2007, 07:36 PM
yeah well anzio and kalt are dod's default maps, so that wasn't up to the devs, but Colmar most definitely was.
01-23-2007, 08:03 PM
A wrecked building, the stature of which one would see in dod_clervuex of old.
Clervaux was a class map in all repsects
Wish CaptSavard was still mapping
01-23-2007, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by the_irate_pirate
i just thought of another possible object worth obsessing about - a statue! why not? we have the horse statue, but some new ones would be nice. good for town squares i'd say.
theres a new French Monument model over at DoD-F made by Cpt Ukulele, nice model :D
Ol' Noodle Head
01-23-2007, 08:55 PM
I'd like to see some religious statuary. There's the famous St. Benedict statue at Monte Cassino - it survived and everything was pulverized all around it.
01-24-2007, 01:13 AM
Well, bridges are the key-point to moving troops, so thats why they are so important to either hold or destroy.
At D-Day, paratropers tried to capture the Pegasus Bridge and the Horsa Bridge.
In Operation Market Garden all the strategic key-points was bridges.
( By the way, I think it could be cool to create the Grave bridge - will it work?)
When the Allies tried to invade Germany, they needed to find an intact bridge to cross the Rhine ;)
An "equivalent" for bridges, are cannal/river locks, beaches (Omaha, Charlie, etc.), batteries (Pointe du Hoc, Merville Battery), towns (Caen, Carentan, Aachen, Bastogne etc.), hills (Hill 30, Cassino Hill), crossroads and hedgerow country. All very important key-points.
Cpt Ukulele
01-24-2007, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Roostergold
theres a new French Monument model over at DoD-F made by Cpt Ukulele, nice model :D
Ah! Now how did that happen?... (check's in the mail Rooster :D ).
There's a bigger fountain model in Dijon for instance, and in the beta of Cherbourg (not public yet); I'm not sure it's been released though.
As has been said, bridges were often key objectives because they were needed to move troops and supply as directly as possible. They have become a staple of WWII movies and games.
In-game, they can't fail to attract the attention of the players. They provide a way to segment the map and act as a choke point. They can give the exciting feeling of "crossing into enemy territory". They also have the possibility of adding another dimension of play in the area (traffic below the bridge).
I'm not sure what other architectural feature would have all of these characteristics - but then again it's still fairly early. :hamster:
01-24-2007, 07:00 AM
the original clervaux did not have wrecked buidlings but a big river with....guess what?
Wile E Coyote
01-24-2007, 08:59 AM
Also, there is one thing being glossed over here; large european towns and cities are FULL of bridges, fountains and 1 gazillion statues. Oh yeah, and NO roads that go in a straight line. It is the cardinal rule of european cities - absolutely NO straight roads. (most roads developed along old cart paths, thus so did the cities). I lived in germany for 6 years, don't think I saw a town with a straight road or without at least 1 fountain in that entire time in Germany, France, Italy or Belgium. Also, quite often the only thing left standing in the smoking ruin of a city would be the large church or cathedral. In Koln (Cologne) the Cathedral was literally the ONLY thing left standing; it was so big bombers used it as a navigation point. Likewise for the same reason bridges were often left intact - the allies needed them.
Now small town out in the boonies, yeah you might not have those things
01-24-2007, 09:37 AM
That fountain in Dijon is in HL2 originally. That's City 17
01-24-2007, 10:54 AM
Last time I went to the future they had a lot of fountains too.
01-24-2007, 02:56 PM
thanks for all that info, Hintzmann. that puts the bridges in a more positive light for me. it just sometimes annoys me to see a perfectly symmetrical map with a bridge cutting the map right in the middle (like colmar).
01-31-2007, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Colonel_Krust
Last time I went to the future they had a lot of fountains too.
True dat. it's just too bad there's not as many big beautiful bridges there. but i guess theres no point with so many flying cars.
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