[Mreq] British p_model edit

05-30-2003, 01:17 PM
Can someone please edit the british Sergeant-Major p_model,
so that he holds the Sten correctly, underneath it instead of by the mag.

Thanx alot! ;)

Ska Wars
05-30-2003, 01:22 PM
Thats nowt to do with P models mate.

Thats an animation. The p model is jus the sten gun, it doesn't tell the player model how to hold the gun. To fix this problem you would have to edit the playes aniamtion which would mean re-releasing the all the player models with the new animations. You couldn't jus fix the british models without fixing the germans ones.

Don't get me wrong, this could be done. But it's not jus a simple case of replacing one model with another. When I release version 2 of my British 2nd Army I'll include custom animations so the gun should be held properally.


05-30-2003, 01:33 PM
Too bad :(

Thanx anyway m8!

05-30-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Ska_Wars
Thats nowt to do with P models mate.

Thats an animation. The p model is jus the sten gun, it doesn't tell the player model how to hold the gun. To fix this problem you would have to edit the playes aniamtion which would mean re-releasing the all the player models with the new animations. You couldn't jus fix the british models without fixing the germans ones.

Don't get me wrong, this could be done. But it's not jus a simple case of replacing one model with another. When I release version 2 of my British 2nd Army I'll include custom animations so the gun should be held properally.


they better be smooth and not blocky !

Ska Wars
05-30-2003, 01:49 PM
Why, what you gonna do about it if they're not, eh? eh? :mad:

*pokes Dodge"



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