[OBJ ICONS] Custom Map Icons

12-24-2006, 08:41 AM

Latest Pics....

Iron cross types (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Objective_Icons/US_Flag_and_Iron_Cross_Icons.jpg)

Swastika types (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Objective_Icons/US_Flag_and_Swastika_Icons.jpg)

EDIT: 30 December 2006...installer versions... and much more...

Download IRON CROSS or SWASTIKA types for a Standard DoD:S HUD or my Version 6 and 7 or MOH VER 3 Huds, NOTE there is an option to chosse your hud type in each installer...also there are some added goodies :)...

US Flag and IRON CROSS TYPES HERE. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Objective_Icons/US_Flag_Iron_Cross_Object_Icons.zip)

US Flag and SWASTIKA TYPES HERE. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Objective_Icons/US_Flag_Swastika_Object_Icons.zip)

Maps supported...

dod_anvil and dod_anvil2_rc1 dod_ardennes_rc1, dod_charlie_final, dod_churchyard_b5,

dod_dijon, dod_flak_b6, dod_harbor_rc1, dod_highlander and dod_highlander_rc1,

dod_library, dod_strand_rc1 and b4, dod_stug_det_rc1, dod_tunisia_b4, dod_unter_b15,

dod_venteux_final, dod_vigilance_b2 and dod_campazzo (dod_campazzo_final).


I would like some kind souls to try these for me, just to see if there are any bugs in this method.
Some Custom maps that have embedded files can't usually be changed, I found a way but it requires adding text to the mod_textures.txt file. The only problem is if someone has changed that file in a hud it needs quite a bit added to it so this can work.

If this works out I will do some "packs" or in a installer to cater for all HUDs and a lot of custom map icons.

* There are two downloads so pick the right one for your HUD!

* This is a complete set including standard Det maps + some custom maps.

* The Background used is a US Flag and Iron Cross... no Swastika one yet :p

* Maps done so far are dod_churchyard_b5, dod_strand_rc1 and b4,dod_anvil and dod_anvil2 and dod_highlander and dod_venteux_final.

Here is what the US Flags in dod_churchyard_b5 look like...


Here is a pic of the other maps. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Objective_Icons/Custom_pack_1/Custom_Map_Icons.jpg)

Merry Christmas everyone...

..and a happy new year.

12-27-2006, 05:50 AM
I have expanded the pack to include more and will include these new ones in my MOH Ver 3 HUDs soon...tomorrow I think :D

The Custom maps now supported are ...

dod_anvil and dod_anvil2_rc1, dod_ardennes_rc1, dod_charlie_final, dod_churchyard_b5, dod_dijon, dod_flak_b6, dod_harbor_rc1, dod_highlander and dod_highlander_rc1, dod_library, dod_strand_rc1 and b4, dod_stug_det_rc1, dod_tunisia_b4, dod_unter_b15, dod_venteux_final and dod_vigilance_b2.

I have to test these more but they seem to work fine, I will put the "Standard Hud version" in a installer with options of a set of flags and HUD panel inserts. The MOH ver 3 will be in the main huds download. I will offer a zip too.

Here is a preview of the two types, US Flag with Iron Cross or Swastika, the images are quite big 0.4mb...

US Flag and Iron Cross (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Objective_Icons/US_Flag_and_Iron_Cross_Icons.jpg)

US Flag and Swastika (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Objective_Icons/US_Flag_and_Swastika_Icons.jpg)

12-27-2006, 05:43 PM
Very nice ...

They actually look better than the ones you included with MOH HUD release. The symbols almost look embossed, which is very cool.:)


* This is a complete set including standard Det maps + some custom maps. So you made new icons for the default maps too?

12-27-2006, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Guyver
Very nice ...

They actually look better than the ones you included with MOH HUD release. The symbols almost look embossed, which is very cool.:)


So you made new icons for the default maps too?

Correct :) I have just updated the MOH huds installers with the new types...but not uploaded them yet, they are now the standard type for me.

And yes, they are put through an embossed filter and then lightened.

I was going to include the new custom icons in the main hud package... not a good idea!

The amount of support custom icons will require is a lot...

* New maps = new icons needed.
* New maps with icons outside the .bsp file overwrite the custom ones if the same file name... that will be a common thing.
* The mod_textures.txt file also needs to be updated for new icons to work.
* Any updates that change the mod_textures.txt file will also require an update.

So... the support required for custom icons is not a matter of making a icon and putting that in a folder, it will require constant maintenance!

To that end, to make this work I think I will make a web page on my site and keep the files there... having a set of files, (standard background,us flag, iron cross/swastika) like this in too many places is a pain.

So the end user will also have to keep going to the web page and download the latest version ... it will be a installer type, they are easy to update for me and the user.

12-28-2006, 12:57 PM
It's tomorrow...:D

12-28-2006, 04:45 PM
Heh... yeah I had to test some more, plus adding revamped and new icons for the pack. Found out how to highlight some of the axis icons where white on white make the icon details blend in too much.

Pictures have changed... still no web page and installers yet :)

dod_campazzo_final added now.

12-28-2006, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by INsane_dod
still no web page and installers yet :)


12-28-2006, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Guyver

Won't be long doing the installers now, I got side tracked with new additions to the GIMP (http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html) :D

12-29-2006, 10:19 AM

Download IRON CROSS for a Standard DoD:S HUD or my Version 6 and 7 or MOH VER 3 Huds, NOTE: there is an option to choose your hud type in each installer...also there are some added goodies :)...

US Flag and IRON CROSS TYPES HERE. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Objective_Icons/US_Flag_Iron_Cross_Object_Icons.zip)

US Flag and SWASTIKA TYPES HERE. (http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/Objective_Icons/US_Flag_Swastika_Object_Icons.zip)

Test them please!



CorPoraL KiLLa
12-29-2006, 11:14 AM
SWEET!!. i was looking 4 something like this. thanks insame, i like all your works u done. u awesome. keep on making them m8.

12-29-2006, 09:14 PM
Thanks mate :)

Can you tell me if you find any problems...or missed any maps (the dod_flurry ones I cant support, file name problems), I need feedback of the two types, anything at all no matter how small!

01-15-2007, 12:31 PM
working on a map with a ammo dump. in the iron cross pack, you have a mydump for the axis, but, not for the us.

01-16-2007, 03:35 AM
That icon.... icon_obj_mydump is from dod_tunisia_b4.

It only has axis icons as the map is a Det' map and has the "blown up" standard icon when the allies blow the objective.

I only add the icons that are in the custom maps :) It's a nice icon image the mapper made for his ammo dump. Did you want a icon made for your map?

I suppose I should put up all the Photoshop files in this pack, they are just a layer you place over the main image. I am going to do a tutorial soon on using the GIMP and VTFEdit (free tools) and release all those "layers" used in the pack. Something like this one that ends up making a crosshair...

Free Graphics Programs page. (http://dodbits.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=72&Itemid=53)

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