(help)Converting 3.1 to 1.0

05-30-2003, 05:04 AM
Surely, many people have the same problem that me,
how to convert 3.1 models to 1.0?
It will be REALLY good if anyone explain step by step how to convert weapons or player models with the milk shape 1.6.6.

05-30-2003, 05:19 AM
I don't really mess around with the weapons so I can't help you there... I can tell you. however, that the days of simply converting player models over is gone... 3.1 ( and previous versions) used a separate model file for each class... 1.0 uses a single model file for the whole team... Each class is a set of submodels within the main model... This new way was used to do the 3.1 para models previously...

Sorry... converting old models is now a lot more work than it used to be... I recommend practising yourself as I learned mostly by trial and error... Here's a link to a decent Milkshape modeling tutorial..

Digital Sculpting with Ms3D (http://www.planetfortress.com/tf2models/tuto/ms3d_sc/tuto_ms3d_sc2a.htm)

Don't forget to look at some of the tutorials at Milkshape's website ...

Milkshape Tutorials (http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/ms3d/tutorials.html)


05-30-2003, 05:26 AM
ok, thanks, but in this tutorials dont name nothing about dod, i think that a tutorial step by step of how to convert 3.1 to 1.0 is needed for many people...
can anybody?

05-30-2003, 05:29 AM
I did some weapons for myself, its pretty easy if you know how to do it.

Make 2 directory's, one called default and one called custom.
Decompile the default model in the default directory using kratisto's decompiler, decompile the custom one with the standard that comes with milkshape.

Next up, import the custom reference smd and delete everything except the weapon itself (and anything that comes with it (straps, clips etc)
Then import the default model, select the custom model and move it so that its right over the default (the bolt is best point to watch for that).
Now delete the default model and re-assign the joints that were used for the gun.
Export to the default directory again and don't forget to copy the custom skins to the default directory.

Thats how i did alot of weapons.... dunno if its helpfull.

On a side-note, does anyone know how to displace the blue orbs (the skeleton?) cause sometimes, the model im coverting isn't a FOV model, so it either holds the grip good, but the hand that should hold the clip is floating in the air, or vice versa :mad: kind of annoying. Any help would be appreciated

05-30-2003, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by sCk
ok, thanks, but in this tutorials dont name nothing about dod, i think that a tutorial step by step of how to convert 3.1 to 1.0 is needed for many people...
can anybody?

You're right... The links I provided aren't specific to DoD... You said you were new at this so I linked you to some sites where you could learn how to use Milkshape... If you don't learn how to use the tool first then how do you expect to understand someone's detailed instructions for converting DoD models? I bet what FIGUUR said went right over your head... Trust me... take the time to at least read up on how to use Milkshape first... After that you'll at least recognize some of the terminology enough to be able to experiment on your own... Patience Daniel-San ...


05-30-2003, 06:00 AM
FIGUUR i don't think there is away around the FOV problem without editing your custom weapon so it's similar to the default in size and shape. But on the other hand alot of the weapons from v3.1 will work ok with 1.0 apart from 2 or 3 of them, or so i've read. So if your not that bothered about the FOV look and the v1.0 anim's, then just copy your custom 3.1 weapon models straight into your dod/models dir.

05-30-2003, 08:58 AM
What i posted before was for someone who was familiar with milkshape ..... sorry for that :(

Marzy, sad to hear that .... i have some custom models from 3.x, i don't care for the anims, but those sleeves.... im kind of picky on that.. is there any ohter way to convert a 3.x model to 1.0 with the new sleeves (and maybe the animations) other then the way i posted before?
Again, any help would be very appreciated

05-30-2003, 12:12 PM
ey, thanks to all :)
but i'm interesting on a tutorial same the marksman sleeves tutorial... (i am a milk shape n00b and i can apply their sleeves and it works :P)
can anybodyyy?!
T H A N K S!!

05-30-2003, 01:47 PM
it would be easier to convert the beta models than any other, just have to figure out how to sub model.

05-30-2003, 02:21 PM

The Search button pwns:rolleyes:

05-30-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by FIGUUR
What i posted before was for someone who was familiar with milkshape ..... sorry for that :(

Marzy, sad to hear that .... i have some custom models from 3.x, i don't care for the anims, but those sleeves.... im kind of picky on that.. is there any ohter way to convert a 3.x model to 1.0 with the new sleeves (and maybe the animations) other then the way i posted before?
Again, any help would be very appreciated

If it's just the sleeves you would like to add to a 3.1 model, then just do this.

Decompile your 3.1 weapon model, import the reference .smd file into milkshape, and delete the hand group. Then export it as a halflife .smd file and save it over the oridinal.

Then d/l this file sleeves.zip (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/scitzo/sleeves.zip)

Copy the contents of the zip into the same folder as your decompiled 3.1 weapon folder.

In that same folder open the QC file and where it says.

// reference meshes
$body gun "reference"

You need to add these lines just below it.

$body hands "hands"

$bodygroup sleeve
studio "us_sleeve"
studio "brit_sleeve"
studio "axis_sleeve"

So it should look like this

// reference meshes
$body gun "reference"
$body hands "hands"

$bodygroup sleeve
studio "us_sleeve"
studio "brit_sleeve"
studio "axis_sleeve"

Now save the QC file and compile it, if all has gone well you should have a 3.1 model with the v.1.0 sleeves, so when you pick up a weapon the sleeves will change to which side your playing on.

06-01-2003, 02:33 AM
thnx a bunch marzy

/me dives into his dod 3.1 folder :D

06-01-2003, 04:43 AM
I still really want a3.1 default garand model to replace that horrid 1.0 model :(

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