
11-29-2006, 01:55 PM
DOD:S is in desperate need of a new 30 Cal (DOD:S is basically in need of new weapon models for that matter). It saddens me to see the customization forums to be so bleak. Anywho, a very warm thank you to whoever fulfills this request.

Refs (http://www.deactivated-guns.co.uk/detail/30cal.htm)

Wile E Coyote
11-29-2006, 09:02 PM
totally off-topic, I love the disentigrating link in those studio photos. Didn't the .30 cal use cloth belts?

11-29-2006, 09:34 PM
Looks like it did:


11-29-2006, 09:35 PM
Bleak? Cut these guys a break man, this small customizing community basically does the work of 100 dev's, they work their asses, new maps and skins coming out all the time, every single skin in my dod are custom ones, players, guns, nades knives. Not one default skin do I have.

Wile E Coyote
11-30-2006, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Hinkle
DIt saddens me to see the customization forums to be so bleak. Which customizations forums do you speak of? If youa re refering to FPSBanana, that community has pretty much alienated most all the decent DOD skinners, I am no exception. If you do searches for things in THIS forum and start reading the releases thread, you will find tons of content.

You can also go here


Andy Whyberd
11-30-2006, 11:13 AM
hehe the M1919A4 in the first post was almost mine (Me and a friend were gonna go half and half on it for our reenactment group)

Most 30cals now use links as cloth belts are a pain in the ass but i think the only Mg on the allied side to use links was the M2HB 50cal.

11-30-2006, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Wile E Coyote
Which customizations forums do you speak of? If youa re refering to FPSBanana, that community has pretty much alienated most all the decent DOD skinners, I am no exception. If you do searches for things in THIS forum and start reading the releases thread, you will find tons of content.

You can also go here


I meant the one here and DODCC as well. I haven't seen much come out in a while, and I can't say how much I appreciate your and the other skinners/modelers and the guys who've stuck around who've stuck around.

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