
11-20-2006, 05:21 AM

As you may know, the first two beta versions of DoD_Nuernberg have been rated "way too large" for servers reaching less than 32 players.

So I decided to rework the map and downsize it a bit. At the same time, I was asked to keep the XXL-version alive aswell for the really big servers out there.

Right now, the "little brother" is about 25% smaller than the previous public versions and future betas will have the ending "24".

To give it some distinction from the large versions, which will be called "Nürnberg32", I added a rainy, gloomy ambience with fog, rain and wind to Nürnberg24 while Nürnberg32 will keep it's unique feeling (thanks to piu piu's skybox :) ).

Another point that was critisized was the flag management with six flags of whom two were 3-player-caps, 2 2-player-caps and 2 1-player caps.

Nürnberg24 will therefore run with only 4 flags, 2 2-player-caps and 2 1-player-caps.

Apart from that, the overall fps are a bit better now (managed to replace about 150 textures in the 3d-skybox with "nodraw" due to the layout changes), some eye-candy has been added and some bugs have been fixed.

Oh well, enough blabla for now :p


Release will be within the next days.

It mostly needs excessive testing now, aswell as probably a bit more brightness.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated!



11-20-2006, 07:50 AM
Looks very nice indeed! Would be happy to play the final version soon ;)

Good job

11-20-2006, 07:53 AM
As you know, we truly enjoyed the Nürnberg map, and as you mentioned was just to big for our 20 man server. This is indeed a welcomed addition and is much appreciated for us small servers. Thanks.

11-20-2006, 08:52 PM
We also run a 20 man server, so this is going to be perfect. Looking foward to it Albatros.

11-20-2006, 10:01 PM
excellent way of thinking thanks Albatros - two birds with..ok two slightly different stones :P

We shall also give the 24 version a run on our 20 slot server :)


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