moving the 3d view

11-07-2006, 07:53 PM
ok, so i just opened hammer for the first time in months, and was thinking it would be super if i could move the 3D view onto my second monitor so it was bigger... i doubt there is any way with hammer to do this, but does anyone know of a program i can use to do it? like, mirror an area on my monitor and stretch it out?

11-07-2006, 08:38 PM
When I had two monitors I just stretched out the whole things so that the 3D view was just a widescreen/rectangle, along with the rest of the 2D views.

I recall screwing up HL1 Hammer once and all the 3D views and 2D views turned into separate windows within Hammer. Not sure if it still can be done with the new Hammer.

Lucky :tnp::tnp::tnp::tnp::tnp::tnp::tnp: with 2 screens, it's bloody awesome in't?

P.S. Just to make sure, you are able to use both monitors at once? ATI cards come with everything to do it, a simple wizard. As I recall so does nVidia

11-08-2006, 08:11 AM
heh, yea dual monitors do rock. except that my main monitor twitches alot, and my other one is really blurry and dark :-P but i still like it more than one, more space to see things.

even if you knew how to recreate the bug with hl1 hammer it would be cool, cause im still usin that for some unfinished projects (mainly everything ive ever started :-P)

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