Undoing func_detail

10-27-2006, 10:13 AM
Any way of undoing func_detail? The map I am working on (since there was 2 of us working on it) the guy tied a bunch of stuff into one func_detail (buildings, road, bridge). Especially after reading the some of the tutorial stuff, this makes NO sense. So I want to put EVERYTHING that is a func detail BACK into it's original brush state (if that makes sense).

10-27-2006, 10:19 AM
Use your groups selector, hide everything except func_detail, then select all of the brushes, and on the right side there is a button that says "To World", hit that button, it will remove the entity properties of the brushes.

10-27-2006, 10:30 AM
You are a savior. Saved me from hours and hours of rework. Thanks a million man. -----------> Noob here btw.

10-27-2006, 03:16 PM
You might want to go back and turn some of that geometry back into func_detail eventually.....just remember that if it's not a displacement candidate, and you don't care if the geometry blocks Vis, then it should definitely be turned into func_detail.

10-27-2006, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by DVD
You might want to go back and turn some of that geometry back into func_detail eventually.....just remember that if it's not a displacement candidate, and you don't care if the geometry blocks Vis, then it should definitely be turned into func_detail. I will do that, but the map building was not being done effectively, and after reading further into some of the tutorials, it is best to go backwards some. But thanks for the advice. I will be doing it after I get the main layout done.

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