[REL] dod_stug_det_rc1

10-04-2006, 05:33 PM
I've been working on a detonation version of dod_stug for the CAL League and here it is for the world!

The det times are 4 minute standard rounds, with 1 minute extra for blowing up either of the 2 tanks.

-= download =-

-= screenshots =-

-= changes since b4. =-

Made all doors and window frames not-solid so you don't get stuck on them.

Improved FPS around spawns.

Added an extra pathway over the bridge through the buildings (This should speed up capping/detting a lot, was too slow in b4)

Re-arranged the Allied river stairs to stop sniping into spawn from the river.

Fixed up some spawn camping problems in the allied side.

Added more lights to darker areas.

2 Extra exits from the Axis spawn.

Lowered the riverbed so you get hurt dropping into it.

Added a little water to the river.

Re-arranged the bridge tank

Removed some excess prop_static's and overlays.

Made the Beds in the sniper rooms static so they cant be blown into the stairwell.

Opened up the Axis street a little so it's less cramped.

Added an 3 extra snipe window in the axis buildings.

Added access to snipe from the Churchtower and another house over the river.

And a lot of other little tweaks and improvements to prevent exploits and hacks based on CAL feelback.

I'll also release an RC1 of the standard Capture version of the map soon.

Hope you like it!

10-04-2006, 06:44 PM
As me not really liking stug the original that was released a while ago.. This one is MUCH better, I have yet to play this version in a scrim , But its really nice and it has improved a lot. Very nice work

THe hAXis
10-05-2006, 08:46 AM
When I first saw this I was like whoah the allies are gonna have no prob poppin the center stug then I noticed you put the detonation location on the axis side.....very nice:D

Removed ability to move bedframe into stairway:angry: :angry:
I loved doing that as Axis.... it was a tactical maneuvering trick;)

10-05-2006, 05:26 PM
DOWNLOAD HEAR (http://www.oneworldsyndicate.com/owsdownloads/index.php?act=view&id=220)

love the map

10-06-2006, 12:29 AM
This map is bad a$$ I love what u did with it. I like the flag one that one is good for gameplay but this one is WAY better!! Thanks for the map!! Running on -|HOTT|- Servers!!

10-06-2006, 01:48 AM

Love the map!!!

We have it playing on DODS.EU @

Also available for download in bzip2 format from here (http://dods-gather.gather-network.eu/downloads/maps/dod_stug_det_rc1.bsp.bz2)

Had a gr8 laugh playing this gd map!

10-08-2006, 02:29 PM
Added to our server's vote-able map list. Looking forward to playing it; I love blowin' stuff up. :cool:

10-12-2006, 10:17 AM
OK, we've played several rounds of the map on our server, and although it has received some good feedback we've decided to remove it from our map voting list for now. You can read the direct feedback on the map here on our clan forums (http://www.82ndallamericans.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4597).

Lard, please feel free to reply to any of the feedback directly on our forums if you'd like (you'll have to register and I'll keep an eye out for your registration email and will approve you right away), or here works fine too. I'd certainly like to hear what ideas you may have to tweak the map. Thanks! :cool:

10-12-2006, 07:15 PM
Having read your forums and spoken to a few of our regs on teamspeak I would have to agree with you!

It is too short! gr8 map! just put 2x bombs and it blows up :)

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