Cannot deploy MGs in the Map
I´ve got a little problem.
I cannot deploy the mgs on my walls. The wall is 24 units high and 16 units wide.
I run the map without VVIS, can this be the problem?
Running VVIS or not doesn't have any impact on this.
Your wall is too low to deploy an MG while standing up, try deploying it while crouched.
09-08-2006, 05:05 PM
i remember i would have mg deploying problems with a server of max players of 1. change it to at least 2 (if you have it set to 1)
09-08-2006, 09:20 PM
You also cannot deploy MG's touching the new team walls.
thanks for your help.
FuzzDads comment solves the problem... damn teamwalls :D
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