WIP: dod_pillbox3 (codename)

08-26-2006, 10:29 PM

[ u p d a t e s ]


DOWNLOAD (http://daretogame.com/maps/pb3/pb3final.zip)

(04/09/2006) Released.
(30/08/2006) First Alpha Screenshots
(28/08/2006) First Public Screenshots
(27/08/2006) Project Started

[ s y n o p s i s ]

Well, yes. I'm actually making a dod_pillbox3. The plans have been laid out a few weeks after dod_pillbox2 was released, but I never really cared for them until a few days ago. dod_pillbox3 will probably be the trilogy's last map, offering even more of a punch for the trenches gameplay.

Unlike dod_pillbox2, dod_pillbox3 actually mimicks more of the original dod_pillbox gameplay genre. The trenches are more structured and not as 'curved' as pillbox2.

I also saw that dod_pillbox2 is actually QUITE popular on servers! Everytime I go play DoD, I can easily find a server playing dod_pillbox2, or one that has it in its rotations. IMO, dod_pillbox2 has a sense of "you're never safe" that a lot of players seem to enjoy.

So I took the more structured style of 1 and the more adrenalinatic (is that word?) style of 2, and combined them together. I also heard some people whining about the lack of true trenches (realism), that has also been fixed ;) I did not opt for the straight, log walls that were caracteristical of some of the more popular trench wars. Instead, the trenches are a more like half-pipes (That's kinda exagerrated, but you'll know what I mean soon.) They have slightly banked walls with a wedge on the bottom where players can walk up to and actually get their heads out of the trenches. Also, any player walking on the ground will have easier trench visibility.

There are also trench bunkers built, where players can find a safe spot, and the trenches onm each side contain three rows with 2 connectors each. The first row is the Reserve Trench, where all players will spawn. The second, the Support Trench, will have the pillboxes as well as the main flag for each team. Last but not least, the Front-line trench will include 2 flags for each team.

Yup, a SIX flag map. I may also add a seventh one in the center like dod_pillbox2 had with the 5th flag being the decimated house.

For the people that played dod_pillbox2, you can imagine dod_pillbox3 to be actually 2 to 3 times bigger. I'm aiming very high with dod_pillbox3, whereas the map will actually be a MAP and not a small fun map. It will be a fully fledge capture objective map with underground routes (oops, I said too much ;) ), artillery in the background (as it was historically), and an actual setting that will represent a trench fight in a semi-dense forest. You can also expect to have the same atmosphere as dod_pillbox2, a rainy day, but this time, it will be an ending storm during sunset ;)

[ n e w e s t s c r e e n s h o t s ]


[ a r c h i v e ]

Beta 1:

Johnny Mo
08-27-2006, 11:01 AM
Oh, there'll be hype. This sounds AWESOME!

08-28-2006, 05:32 PM
Here's a little screenshot to get ideas moving.
This is how the map looked yesterday. I'll be posting more recent screenshots.

08-29-2006, 05:06 AM
hows the fps looking Dash, Pillbox was a great little map but a bit hampered by low fps.

08-29-2006, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by quint
hows the fps looking Dash, Pillbox was a great little map but a bit hampered by low fps.

You probably had fps problems because of the water that was in pillbox2. FPS isn't an issue in pillbox3 though.

08-29-2006, 04:24 PM
Wow that screen looks really sweet!
Like to play it asap, nice work!

08-29-2006, 10:49 PM
I changed the first post to make it a bit nicer. Also, there's 5 new alpha version screenshots!
The whole map is complete, it just needs some retouching (especially with the underground tunnel, the cubemaps screwed it up very nicely and it appears pitch black lol)

Also, I made this little banner:

08-29-2006, 10:57 PM
Nice atmosphere, lighting!

Not to sure about the green/blue fog though, seems...unnatural?


CorPoraL KiLLa
08-31-2006, 12:27 AM
looks cool but how many spawn points?

08-31-2006, 02:17 AM
i agree with ultranew_b

the fog looks very unnatural

08-31-2006, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by kiLLa_187
looks cool but how many spawn points?

The map is 2-3 times bigger than pillbox2 which already had 48 spawnpoints. This map has, so far, 32. It is expandable though as I just put the minimum for bare beta.

08-31-2006, 09:21 PM
There are 6 new screenshots. You'll see the map is now more vibrant and I changed the fog color for better, though I don't know why you guys say it looks unnatural :confused: . I suppose it's maybe the way screenshots show it, but in-game it looks terrific.

The map has 7 flags, by the way ;)

Also, if anyone wants to submit their server for a final test, please do so in this topic! The map currently has 60 spawns, 30 per team.

Recommended settings:

- 2 riflemen (IMPORTANT!)
- Unlimited Assault
- Unlimited Support
- 2 MG's
- No snipers (IMPORTANT!)
- Unlimited Rocketmen

These settings are important if you want to have optimal gameplay. This is a trench map, not a sniping range. Servers with 1 sniper are fine, as the level has a lot of hills and craters to hide in.

Also, I added a neat feature. You can prone and crawl under the barbed wire without getting hurt. People running through it will recieve 5 damage/second.

piu piu
09-01-2006, 06:50 AM
wow, the shots are looking great. the new fog colour is much better :)

09-01-2006, 09:50 AM
change the "bridges" over the trenches, i think only some shelves will look better.

the rest is nice :D hope i can play it soon. now, the fog looks nice

09-01-2006, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by womb
change the "bridges" over the trenches, i think only some shelves will look better.

the rest is nice :D hope i can play it soon. now, the fog looks nice

These bridges need to stay that way, the trenches are player-high and anything lower would block movement (not totally, but it would be an annoyance). :rolleyes:

09-07-2006, 11:38 AM

DOWNLOAD (http://daretogame.com/maps/pb3/pb3final.zip)

09-13-2006, 10:19 AM
Dash i missed that this had been released , you really need to post it in the releases section as well so more ppl see it

will try it later , looks promising

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